The colonialist oppressors and their minions have their days - TopicsExpress


The colonialist oppressors and their minions have their days numbered NATO and the U.S. are unable to stop the popular uprising across Libya. Main battlefield is the city of Sebha in the south, where in the past three days traitors and mercenaries of NATO to have lost over 470 bandits, over 120 armored cars have fallen into the hands of the 80% resistance to southern cities under control of Green Resistance. Among the mercenaries settled by resistance include: 25 Qatari nationality and military ranks, including colonels 13 Sudanese nationality group Hassan al-Bashir 20 Egyptian citizenship Muslim Brotherhood 5 of Afghan nationality of al-Qaida 3 have Syrian nationality dogs of Qatar and the Gulf of criminal groups. The death toll from the terrorists in the service of NATO and the U.S. exceeds 500 settled mercenaries who have sold their honor, dignity and their land to the Jews and their masters the tyrant colonialism The southern tribes and Warfalla tribes have posted convincing and communicated to join the fight for the dignity and honor of Libya and have sworn to cleanse it of mercenaries and traitors colonialist The alliance between the occupation government of Tripoli and Al Qaeda is trying to stop the long march for the liberation of the country with all criminal methods, under the complicit silence of the UN, but it is useless, since the vast Libyan majority of the population is against the oppressors and are joining on behalf Green Resistance. Sebha, Tobruk, Brega and Bani Walid are just some of the cities in which have turned to wave the Green Flag of the Jamahiriya, the great symbol of democracy and self-government of the people. According to some sources in various Libyan embassies around the world returned to wave the Green Flag. We declare that there is still a lot of stuff that will surprise the enemy. Viva Libya!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:19:46 +0000

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