The confiscation of Malay bibles from the BSM by Selangor - TopicsExpress


The confiscation of Malay bibles from the BSM by Selangor JAIS/MAIS was one of the reasons cited by PKR and DAP why Khalid Ibrahim had to be removed as MB. They had blamed Khalid for not being able to resolve the issue and return the bibles. MB Azmin Ali had also said that this solving this issue is one of his priorities. But one month has passed and Azmin is still waiting for JAIS/MAIS to brief him. Take your time ,Azmin. I am sure DAP doesnt care. Firstly, the actual laws and decrees in Selangor.that disallowed the use of Allah by Non-Muslims. 1) Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988 2) Two decrees by the Selangor Sultan in 2010 and 2013. 3) Selangor fatwa against Allah use by-non-Muslims, gazetted by the Selangor Govt in 2010 Therefore there are ample laws, fatwas and decrees that clearly shows that Allah cannot be used by Non-Muslims in Selangor. But I am sure that Malay Bibles and use of Allah in Malay service in Churches have been going on for decades and probably still going on. So why did JAIS suddenly raid the Bible Society of Malaysia offices and seize the bibles on January 2, 2014? Well, for some equally insane reason, less than a week before the BSM seizure, on Dec 27, 2013 the Christian Herald Editor and Senior Catholic priest Father Lawrence Andrew suddenly publicly stated that the churches in Selangor will continue to use the word “Allah” despite the various court decisions, existing laws and Sultans degree. Therefore, MAIS felt that they had been challenged and the Sultan had been Cabar so it decided to instruct JAIS to make the raids. To be honest, if you diam-diam and continue to use the Malay and Iban bibles even in Selangor as you have for decades and decades, no one would disturb you So, why did Father Lawrence idiotically challenged the laws, the authority and in MAISs eyes, the Selangor Sultan? Insane! Due to the various titah and laws, the BSM had said that they wanted to move to KL as the Federal Govt provides more protection to them than Selangor does - essentially a slap in the face to Pakatan Rakyat and DAP. So, what can Azmin Ali, PKR and DAP do to resolve this issue? If they are really really seriously wanting to do this, they should: 1) Request the Sultan to retract his multiple titahs. 2) When State Assembly starts again next month, push for a bill to repeal or amend the 1988 Enactment. But dont hold your breath for No. 2 (assuming Azmin have the balls to do No.1 in the first place, but I doubt it). Shortly after the bibles were seized, there was a suggestion by three DAP ADUNs in January to repeal/amend the 1988 enactment but it was shot down by DAP acting Chairman, Anthony Loke. malaysiakini/news/251093 It is merely a suggestion by three DAP ADUNs,” he said. “I hope our friends in PAS and PKR are not slighted by it,” he added. Yup.. the famous it is their personal opinion and does not reflect the partys stand but this time he added gee... i hope PAS and PKR not angry with us for suggesting this. Anthony Loke also said that any decision on such matters would need buy-in from the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council and there has been no discussion at that level yet. Until today, we have not heard that their Pakatan Rakyat leadership council ever discussed this issue at all. In the end, they just blamed Khalid Ibrahim and kicked him out. WTF! These PKR and DAP people are liars and opportunists lah.. Id like to see them solve this confiscated bibles issue and do the two things required. Ada berani or you just TOKOK only?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:38:34 +0000

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