The ever so young Yuvraj, the blunder supremo of Congress - TopicsExpress


The ever so young Yuvraj, the blunder supremo of Congress screached and screamed on the top of his voice, that Gujarat Development model is a myth!!! According to Congresss PM material, Gujarat was always rocking and on the path of exemplary growth!!! [Is he talking of Lord Krishnas times when Dwarika was made of Gold???!!!] Dear Rahul Baba...[Do u deserve any other address than this for your numerous immature statements???] We all know, that progress of Gujarat and development in the state was next to nil in early nineties, with more riots and bandhs than working days..The state faced extreme water shortage, hardly any power supply before the Modi Govt. came into power. And, Today, the Jyotigram Yojna providing 24/7 power supply to 18,000 villages has illuminated so many lives. The solar power, the canals providing water supply to far off Banaskantha and Kutch region, which were the districts facing shortage of rain almost every year. The internal roads, the infrastructure... Was it all existed before 2001..that is Modi tenure? Than why this open eye accusations...??? This has only portrayed lack of his knowledge and immense immaturity. Moreover.. Second point of this young blunder master... He conveniently propagated love and ownership over Sardar Patel as if Congress has never shown any ill treatment towards Sardar??? Mr. Rahul, exactly when did Sardar Patel receive Bharat Ratna...??? Along with Rahuls father, who was product of third generation to Sardar.. And when did Pandit Nehru, Sardars contemporary and Rahuls great grandfather receive the same award.. Even Rahuls grandmother, Indira Gandhi, whose major political work marks the post independence era, received it before Sardar... And, Rahul condemns Modiji for creating an honorable structure in his memory..!!! This ill-informed accuses Modiji for not knowing the history.. But, Mr. Ignorant Gandhi... Your shouts criticizing RSS shows your huge ignorance.. The truth is... Sardar clearly believed that RSS was an organization of patriots. Hence, after partition, when the Maharaja of Kashmir was harbouring the idea of retaining Kashmir as an independent kingdom, it was Guru Golvalkar of the RSS whom Sardar had sent to convince the Maharaja to join Bharat!!! Guruji returned to Delhi on 19th October 1947, and reported to Sardar Patel about Maharaja’s willingness to accede to Bharat!!! Then, on 6th January, 1948, in Lukhnow, he stated that, “In the Congress, those who are in power, feel that by virtue of authority, they will be able to crush the RSS. By “Danda”, you can not suppress an organization. Moreover, “Danda” is meant for thieves and dacoits. After all, RSS men are not thieves or dacoits. They are patriots. They love their country.” And, These are documented evidences.. So stop dreaming about accusing RSS and Modiji and get your facts right...Mr. Rahul..
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:28:52 +0000

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