The first half of my day was somber and I had to nearly literally - TopicsExpress


The first half of my day was somber and I had to nearly literally kick myself out the door to leave this afternoon. Thankfully I did because the rest of my evening was a complete adventure. First I picked up a CD from a local musicians with his music to enjoy. Next I popped in for some clam chowder at the Loose Kaboose in Seaview. Yeah, its wall-to-wall trains in a caboose. While at the restaurant I met a nice older gentleman who had a 15 yr old family member in town visiting from Wisconsin. We struck up a conversation and I learned that they had just arrived in town. I told them about the Art Night I was headed to next and they sounded interested so they followed me to it. Don Nisbett, a well-known local artist greeted us and it wasnt even five minutes before he was offering wine and snacks. Don is known for having live entertainment and tonight was no exception. A belly dancing group wiggled, jiggled and spun around just outside the gallery. I met one of the dancers inside and both of the men that were partnered up with the gals performing. One thing led to another and I was outside cheering them on and watching as dancer, Sue, pulled her husband of some thirty years out to dance a jig with her. We chatted for the longest time, long enough to forget my crummy morning and before I know it, they invited me back to their home for supper. We all know that I know NO strangers so of course I went. My push button car decided to not start leaving me frustrated and nearly unable to follow them however they insisted that I ride with them and promised to return me later. As we turned into their driveway, I recognized the place. We were turning into the Painted Lady Lavender Farm. I have passed this farm hundreds of times but have never made the time to stop. Now, through some stroke of coincidence I was being led there by the very owners themselves. The gardens are exquisite and the house was enchanting. The best way to describe it is a cross between an antique store, a museum and the Winchester Mystery House. It was lovingly hand built by the owners. To call it unique is an understatement. Within 5 minutes I was holding a wine glass and shortly after I was enjoying homemade lasagna. We laughed and howled for hours before we realized just how late it was. Someone graciously drove me back to my car which magically started this time and I drove home with a big smile on my face. The world is indeed a wonderful and friendly place!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:11:10 +0000

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