The first time I came into Bruce Jacobs company of Dingoes and - TopicsExpress


The first time I came into Bruce Jacobs company of Dingoes and listened to this mans knowledge and great wisdom it was akin to a religious awakening That was in 1995 Through the journey and years of fascinating meetings with truly wonderful Humans few could equal the awe of impact as Taffy Abbott and Kim Thompson who when I met them lived and worked at Mount Hart Retreat off the Gibb River Road in the Kimberley These beautiful people LOVED Dingoes which encompassed their very lifestyle on every level I relocated two Dingoes to them for a home of joy and safety! Tourists came in contact with Dingoes as they should without barrier or fence or that pittance of a pen which appears to a Dingo as a Cockatoo cage and prison cell they are frequently hostelled in by people having them as pets Dingoes generally have a travelled zone of about 12 km a day in the wild and can run at 70 km an hour! Dingoes are a unique Species - Canis Dingo They are NOT Dogs - Canis Familiris Kim painted magnificent pictures of the Dingoes which adorned their four wheel drive and the Mount Hart Retreat! Taffy and Kim are to be commended for their love of Dingoes which was supported by their courage in a fight against our Govt that comprises of those far less focused on conservation but greed and ignorance! Almost all OUR National Parks and Reserves are bombarded with 1080 which kills everything when secondary poisoning takes place by opportunistic feeders as the toxin level can raise a thousand percent Dingoes can take up to 26 hours to die an inhumane agonizing death which is ignored by the the groups of people who like to promote themselves in political parties orientated and concerned about conservation! Australia has millions of camels which are free for the guardianship against any predation to pastural stock loss but the small minded mentality has yet to see this solution to poisoning OUR paradise as the Government makes a billion a year from the super toxin 1080!!?? Dingoes are RED LISTED AS A VULNERABLE SPECIES OUR GOVERNMENT PAYS AUSTRALIANS TO KILL DINGOES AND EXASPERATES THE MAN MADE DAMAGE OF WILD DOGS BY 1080 BOMBARDMENT OF OUR COUNTRY!! Ignoring the sacred totem and Indigenous Dreamtime respect of the Dingo they continue an agenda of extinction across this country because of ignorance and apathy and lack of integrity by those knowing no better!! In the Kimberly around Mt Hart there are no pastural locations and Taffy - a man of wisdom and great fortitude fought the state Government to stop poisoning any baits on or near his property to save his much beloved wild Dingoes that frequently visited to say hi Taffy and Kim won the initial court case to stop such uncivilized practice However those in power dont live by the code of ethics and morals Taffy and Kim follow and soon delivered a miserable vendetta The sad closure of the Dingo experience arrived without option and Taffy and Kim had to say goodbye to those many beloved Dingoes when they moved incognito to a location of one thousand km in the NT They took with them one Dingo! I met Taffy and Kim after years of talking and writing Lindy Dingo-Papalia and myself sat mesmerized as the stories rolled off his tongue near Kings Park The three hour meeting was one of those hauntingly beautiful archives that is filed into immoriamme I am truly grateful to have met these two inspirational Humans who highlight what is required as a duty of care and love for OUR BEAUTIFUL AUSTRALIAN DINGOES!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:45:26 +0000

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