The following is an extract from our ebriefing “Job Interviewing - TopicsExpress


The following is an extract from our ebriefing “Job Interviewing - Preparation” which is included in our “Interviewing Skills from Ebite 7 Interview plan COVERAGE PLAN In proceeding to interview a separate coverage plan should be designed for each one to include the points identified above and enable the maximum possible significant factual information to be obtained. However the plan needs to be flexible, so: Build a skeleton of the main coverage points in sequence (too much detail or to rigid would prevent the following-up of interesting leads). Keep it to a single sheet using key words in section headers. Note under each stage the points to be covered and questions to be raised. Preparing the plan In preparing the plan, consideration needs to be given to the structure of the interview: 1. Welcome The opening minutes of the interview when the interviewer: Explains the purpose of interview Introduces self and role Establishes rapport Outlines the procedure to be followed The opening phase of the interview is critical, with the candidate and interviewer both creating and receiving significant first impressions. How the interviewer intends to cover this should be recorded in the interview plan. 2. Acquiring information At the end of the interview you will want to make a number of judgements about the candidate. Although you will have studied information about them before hand the interview represents an opportunity to confirm, explore, infill and answer some important questions like: Is he/she intelligent enough to do the job? or too intelligent for it? Is he/she likely to stay (or too ambitious, or foot-loose)? How will he/she respond to the type of supervision they will have? How will he/she get on with their fellows? Will his/her family responsibilities make it possible for them to do overtime, (if this is an important consideration)? Will he/she be a reliable worker: does he/she stick at things or give up easily? How does he/she stand up to pressure? Is he/she wanting the job only for the money? To answer questions of this kind you will want as much information as you can get about a persons life history; very often your best evidence for how someone is going to behave in the future is how they have behaved in the past. In addition you will want to know about their present circumstances. The simplest and probably most effective way of doing this is to plan a systematic chronological survey of the important areas of the applicants life history covering all the points raised in your information assessment, under key headings, for example: Personal Details Attainments - Educational, Occupational Leisure Activities Home Circumstances NB: It is important to note that the three areas of: General Intelligence Special Aptitudes Disposition cannot be assessed by direct questioning in an interview situation. Judgement over these can only be inferred after the interview, and based on evidence obtained during the interview or alternatively may be determined by specialised testing. 3. Supplying information The state of the interview where the candidate is given a full picture of the job and the company. Explanation should entail: In-depth information about the work involved/working conditions and job responsibilities Pay, hours, shift patterns, pensions, welfare, social facilities Company products/services/customers/competitors Company policies/procedures/ambitions etc So that the candidate is not under any misapprehensions as to the job itself and the company he/she is seeking to join. NB: If the job has a major disadvantage which is likely to put off prospective candidates, then this stage should come before Acquiring Information. The advantages should, nevertheless still be explained first. 4. Parting This stage should consist of re-assuring behaviour and remarks, thus leaving the candidate in no doubt about the next stage in the recruitment programme or its timing. Effective closing of the interview should include: Summarising the ground covered at the interview Inviting questions Answering any questions Explaining the next steps
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:11:42 +0000

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