The funny thing I have realized about people on FB that actually - TopicsExpress


The funny thing I have realized about people on FB that actually BELIEVE they dont like me or wanna criticize or belittle me is... Well first of all, besides the fact that they just dont know or dont get me... IS... Unlike them I am very forthcoming about all of my allegedly horrible character traits: Am I arrogant? Yeah, but I usually can back it up. Am I condescending? Yeah, because it takes a coalition of FOOLS not to realize patience is limited. Am I a Know it all? Well... No, not actually, that is impossible. But I know what they MEAN to say, so yeah, I pursue knowledge and understanding doggedly. Most people really dont... Am I an asshole? Yeah, I believe we are responsible for our own emotions so f**k your feelings. I tend to be matter of fact... & the list goes on at length. My critics & haters often tend to be bloated with self righteous entitlement. Like a giant bipedal gross tick. Overflowing with victim complexes & a sense of properly judging & passing off verdicts upon the status, condition, & implications of someone elses life. All of my critics, to me, appear to suffer more from what they are in want of charging me with. Those of you who dont suffer this delusional complex are a wonderful contrasting minority. Those who take time to know my love, passion, humanism, struggle, humility, patience, & ambitious sense of proper judgment. Thanks, hopefully some day my efforts towards a Greater Darryl can do something WONDERFUL in your lives!!! Much love & respect: PROPS!!!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 03:33:29 +0000

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