The game was, who could move their boulder the furthest before - TopicsExpress


The game was, who could move their boulder the furthest before getting tired. Aspen Root, Kicking Hand, Owl Fang and I, stood waiting beside our stones. Aspen Root and Owl Fang would carry the boulders on their back while Kicking Hand and I would drag ours. We all waited for Spear Tip to shoot the arrow, signaling the start. The old man, Torn Robe, came hobbling beside us. I remember this game, he said, I wish to challenge. We all laughed, including Torn Robe. Spear Tip shot the arrow and we were off. We were all fairly even for awhile except for Torn Robe who just stood standing. Aspen Root and Owl Fang were the first to stop, twice the distance of a shot arrow from a bow. Kicking hand and I, made it an extra arrow length before having our rope snap. I happened to be ahead by one step. Aspen Root and Owl Fang came running towards us, congratulating me. We were all laughing and happy as these games always made one feel. We all stopped and sat down, catching our wind before heading back. Suddenly, we heard laughter. It was Torn Robe and he was moving his boulder quite efficiently. Where we had used brawn to move ours, he used brains to move his. He had placed four poles on the ground and had rolled the boulder, taking the one from the back and placing it in the front as he went. He passed the four of us, still laughing, and kept going. We could not help but burst out laughing at ourselves as the old man taught us a lesson in humility. After awhile, we all ran to Torn Robe and told him he had bested us. The old man was still laughing. We laughed with him. We all walked back together. When we arrived, we told everyone who the winner of the challenge was. We all gained something that day. Torn Robe was still laughing through it all.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:51:17 +0000

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