The genesis of the Abbott Governments poor standing can be found - TopicsExpress


The genesis of the Abbott Governments poor standing can be found in the reason it was elected in the first place. It was not out of any belief that Abbott was the answer to an electorates prayers. He didnt inspire with the physical presence and rhetoric of Whitlam or Menzies, nor was he carried to power on a wave of voter adoration as was Hawke. He didnt even beguile the electorate with the cheeky, larrikin charm of Keating or the perceived stability of Howard. No. Abbott gained the prime ministership as a direct result of the electorates determination to dispose of a Labor government perceived as incompetent and addicted to suicidal in-fighting. The fact is, that Labor committed political harakiri and Abbott was the proverbial drovers dog waiting to step into the breach. ...despite Abbotts attempts as prime minister to bolster his electoral popularity with a succession of hairy-chested foreign policy responses, the electorate still refuses to see him as anything other than a short-term and expedient way of replacing a Labor government that was beyond redemption. The voters made up their minds about Abbott even before he was opposition leader. Theyve never liked him. Theyve never trusted him. Theyve never wanted him. And, unless the Liberal Party can come up with a popular and credible alternative, it will be consigned to political oblivion as quickly and decisively as its Labor Party predecessors. Read more:
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:45:22 +0000

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