The girl who got bewitched is not me. It is my room-mate, Ami. I - TopicsExpress


The girl who got bewitched is not me. It is my room-mate, Ami. I admit, Psychology is not my subject, but I can swear it too does not know what is ‘bewitched’. Not to forget, Mr. Internet declared ‘bewitched’ as a movie! Plus, something to do with voodoo! But, I know no Voodooist! No, I ain’t cracked. Yet. April Rivers has started hearing voices in her head; her orphanage is an eternal war zone between her and Jesus; she believes Karma is a witch inconspicuously wedded to Jesus; her life is teemed by a Shaman, Chi Soothsayer, and eccentric actions; Sister Brenda is in her hit-list! She disgusts charities! Saying all this there is something more to her character, her odd connection with the deviously handsome Richard chase; young, rich, arrogant, serious, and mystifying, an archetypical philanthropist. When April is relocated to Rupert House-Cold Ash, she is as usual tailed by the shadow, her craving for chocolates has heretofore augmented, she fears Richard is a priest, she escapes a humongous dog attack, bumps into weirdoes, she can feel Richard’s presence everywhere near her, mysteriously her health is deteriorating, and she is convinced soon her visit to a shrink would become inescapable. Smacked with his tempting ruggedness and a magnetic dynamism, the young plutocrat Richard Chase seems only a dream that never comes true. April begins believing in fairy tales, until the night Richard dumps her….Amid the irresistible pull of love, heartbreak, betrayal, conflicts, jealousy, deadly attacks, and April’s decision to become a cloistered nun, the truth about the shadow is revealed, compelling April to pick her own fate. Equinox. When the precession of stars, rigidly bottles the lives of two beings destined to be indivisible, there is no looking back, but to accept the decree of kismet as it is……
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:13:32 +0000

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