The good news of the extravagant and unsearchable love of God - TopicsExpress


The good news of the extravagant and unsearchable love of God revealed in the cross draws us into the deep being of God in such a way that it forms the Christ-heart within us, the very divine nature, so that we become the same kind of joyful laid-down lovers, seeing others through the eyes of extraordinary compassion and forgiveness. Empathy and co-suffering is birthed where suspicion and finger-pointing once ruled. In 1 John 3:9, John the Beloved says that we have the seed of God within us, which is the Greek word sperma where we get our word sperm, implying that our very essence has become a partaker in the divine nature, having the divine genes and DNA, and therefore exhibiting his attributes as an offspring resembles his parents. We are one blood with Christ our brother, sons of the Father. And what is the evidence that we are born of God? That we love (1 John 4:7). 1 John 4:10 defines this love as Gods giving of self in the cross. If we are born of God then, this self-giving love becomes nature. The kind of radically unnatural love that flies in the face of our survivalist instincts of self-preservation: enemy-love. Compassion and forgiveness of enemies is the litmus test of having been attained by the Christ-heart.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 06:00:14 +0000

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