The greatest mistake in the run up to the 2013 General Elections - TopicsExpress


The greatest mistake in the run up to the 2013 General Elections was done by the people of Tsholotsho and Bulawayo South. When people front Political emotions at the expense of Political rationality, they are heading for a disaster both economically and politically. The people of Tsholoshto removed Prof Jonathan Moyo and replaced him with the wife of Sipepa Nkomo. The people of Bulawayo South removed David Coltart and removed him with Thabitha Khumalo!! One wonders if these two decisions were based on performance or what. You remove someone who has done your constituency good and replace him with someone who has nothing, not even money to help you. People must know that when voting, always ask yourself the following question What if our Party loses the Presidental race and become the opposition, will this Dude MP be able to mobilise resources to help us when his Party isnt in gvt?. If your answer is yes, then vote for that person. Zimabwe has no devolution, all the strategic decisions are made by the Central gvt, so you cant ignore this reality when voting. You must always consider if the Party you support will the Presidential race because for your MP to do something his Party must be the Ruling Party. It is common cause that zanu pf will always priotise where it won even when offering jobs, food distribution or anything. I remember before 2009, the people of Chipinge didnt know that there is something called the Presidential Scholarship. We never had any beneficiary of that Scholarship yet it started in 1994!! The reason was because we were voting opposition Parties, so they were always sidelined. Upto this day, 70% of Chipinge roads are not tarred. Only after voting Mbuya Chitima(zanu pf) did we start to see some of our people getting the Presidential Scholarship. Only after voting Porusingazi in 2002 did we start to see some roads being repaired and food coming to areas as far as Chinyamukwakwa. When you vote opposition Parties, makesure you are voting someone who is Internationally connected,has the money to assist you. Thats the problem of lack of Devolution.If we had devolution, every Province and districts will have their share of the National Budget. Let me be open enough, the people of these two Constituencies9Tsholosto and Bulawyo) will suffer for the next five years because they made two big blunders, the first was to think MDC-T will win and the second was to vote useless MPs. Prof Jonathan Moyo when he was first elected as Tsholosto MP ,he brought electricity to that area in early 2000, he repaired all the roads for that area. David Coltart was one of the best performing Ministers during the inclusive gvt, he remained a very capable man even though he doesnt belong to the ruling Party he could mobilise resources to help had he won
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:03:40 +0000

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