The idea that Hamas is not a terrorist organization is ludicrous. - TopicsExpress


The idea that Hamas is not a terrorist organization is ludicrous. This is a direct quote from their charter: There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. Literally every ceasefire with Israel was broken by Hamas, which continues to subscribe to the belief that there is no use in any sort of diplomacy. Also within the Hamas covenant is this wording: “The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O *******, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’” The conflict of last summer consisted of Hamas launching rockets toward Israeli population centers (most of which were, thankfully, diverted) and posturing when they were retaliated against in their hiding place of choice: UN buildings, schools, and hospitals. This is done so that, at least if they die they may win the media narrative. This is not to say the Israelis dont try to reduce casualties, however. They drop leaflets in Arabic warning civilians to avoid Hamas party members who may be targets. Yet another distinction between the two groups: Hamas killings are indiscriminate. Israeli killings target those responsible for said indiscriminate killings. As for the historical background, the Palestinian Mufti, who was their primary leader prior to statehood rejected a plan to give them 80% of present-day Israel in 1937 and the Palestinian people later rejected a plan for 50% of the land a decade later, prior to the outbreak of the war that would lead to Israels establishment. This same leader met with ****** during the height of World War II and aligned the Palestinian national movement with Nazism. So the Palestinians lost. Their leadership was divided and they were unable to agree to live in any sort of peace with the Jews. It was all or nothing for them. And they came up with nothing. Israel has attempted to make concessions in negotiations for expanded autonomy in the West Bank (there was full autonomy in Gaza until Hamas, with their support for Jewish genocide employed a hostile takeover of the entire government in 2007) and the Palestinians have spoken of putting an end to terrorist attacks. Neither side has lived up to their agreements in this regard. The point I want to leave with is that international conflict is not fair. There are winners and losers. The outcome could have been different, but it has now been cemented by nearly 70 years of Israeli economic vigor and innovation. Israel is willing to give Palestine a state of its own given that doing so is not a security threat, but it will not do so as long as Hamas is in the picture, only their more moderate counterpart Fatah. But even this will not happen without considerable concessions from the Palestinians, more concessions, proportionally, than the Israelis will be willing to cede. But this is how it works: the side in the weaker position makes more concessions. The Palestinian national movement does not have a leg to stand on. It is these radicals of Hamas, whose actions are being defended by the international media (while the Israeli response to these actions is being unfairly critiqued) who are the obstacle to peace and to a much larger extent than Israel is to blame. Dont fall for the trendy anti-Israel rhetoric that is being espoused seemingly everywhere. Israel is not a white country in the Middle East. The vast majority of its population is of Middle Eastern origin. Israel is 20% Palestinian and these individuals live better than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East. Ill leave you with this Hamas propaganda video. This is what the Palestinian youth are being subjected to. Tell me this is not the REAL problem in ending this conflict. https://youtube/watch?v=3Eu6_P8rNpk Comment: ucdavisconfessions/confessions/24950/comments/new Flag: ucdavisconfessions/confessions/24950
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:34:41 +0000

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