The internet can be such a great tool for education, but it is - TopicsExpress


The internet can be such a great tool for education, but it is causing so many people to stumble because they are looking past the mark. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have created all sorts of fit-pros (some legit and some that are not) giving recommendations to many that simply arent ready for the advice that is being given. Advanced exercise and nutrition concepts are supposed to be a progression for when you have accomplished certain milestones with your fitness, yet so many people are trying to start their journey using these advanced steps and then get frustrated when their bodies arent responding. In a way of comparisons; this would be similar to a 3rd grader undertaking algebraic equations or performing activities with the same control as a collegiate athlete. They are going to stumble and get frustrated because they arent ready yet. You have to put in the time and advance your body appropriately. Beginners shouldnt be applying the concepts the pros use while they are dieting and training in the final weeks of a professional competition. Most people shouldnt be doing re-feed days, carb cycling, or getting involved in other extremes for dieting. I get it, we all want results and we want them fast, but jumping the gun and applying these before youre ready will not yield the desirable results, especially for the long term. First things first- Eat vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eat them in balance! Start with just doing that and striving to lower the amount of processed foods you are consuming. It isnt necessary to jump straight into counting macros, this is a fairly advanced way of eating. If you want some candy, have a little. If you want a cookie, have 1 cookie, not the entire row. Be consistent with this and then after you have hit a plateau, then make minor adjustments and be consistent. 2nd- Dont skip the weights and jump straight to cardio. Have you ever noticed that personal trainers spend the majority of their time with clients on the resistance training floor? There is a reason for that, muscle increases metabolism, which will help burn the most amount of calories over time. Cardio doesnt only burn fat, it burns calories. If you are in a caloric deficit, that is where you burn fat. Lifting weights is just as effective at burning calories as cardio and youll have better aesthetics if weights is the emphasis. Your personal fitness changes should be an evolution, slowly changing from simple to complex over time. If your changes are dramatic or rapid, they wont stay.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:43:31 +0000

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