The journal Nature by a writing dated December 4, scientists - TopicsExpress


The journal Nature by a writing dated December 4, scientists reported that the DNA was extracted from one of about 400 thousand years of ancient human fossils. Why is this so surprising? First, because the previous record was 100 thousand years, on the other hand, the recovered DNA does not belong to the forerunner of Neanderthals, as previously thought. The fossils found in Spain a thigh bone, which is very similar to the DNA of Homo sapiens alfajáéra mysterious, so-called man of Gyenyiszovai. Until now, the oldest Gyenyiszovai residue was discovered in a cave in Siberia, and 41 thousand years of age, as judged it. The DNA of a young woman from a finger bone fragment has been obtained. The amazing discovery has scientists puzzled The residues were discovered in the 1990s, has long been studied in a deep cave in northern Spain, which is called Sima de los huesoss (bones abyss). The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology scientist group 400 thousand years long dated the femur, and the DNA was placed closer to the Gyenyiszovai like Neanderthals. Svante Pääbo molecular geneticist and a leading expert on the team said: It really raises more questions than it answers. The New York Times says: This is not what I expected, in fact, no one expected, - said Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the London Natural History Museum. Based on the anatomy of the fossils Dr Arsuaga argued that Neanderthals are the ancestors connected, who lived in Europe and western Asia from 200 to 30 thousand years ago. When Dr. Meyer and his colleagues belefúrtak the femur, was found inside the ancient human DNA, as we had hoped. The expectation was that this is a very early Neanderthal, - said Dr. Meyer. But the DNA did not match the Neandervölgyiével. Dr. Meyer then compared the DNA of Gyenyiszovai with the ancient human line of descent, which he and his colleagues discovered in Siberia in 2010. He was shocked when he saw the resemblance. First of all it was hard to believe, - said Dr. Meyer. More and more data is collected, its become a commissioner. Further research confirmed that the DNA belonged to the human family tree Gyenyiszovai branch. The new results are difficult to image with egyztethetők evolved human evolution, which popped up on the basis of fossils and DNA. The Gyenyiszovai-akról thought to be only limited to East Asia, and is not thought to have been so Neanderthal in nature. Now we have to rethink the whole story, - said Dr. Arsuaga.Az difference between anatomical and genetic evidence surprised scientists, who are now trying to rethink of human evolution past few hundred thousand years. For example, the large number of extinct human population is that scientists still need to be covered. We basically created a big question mark, - said Matthias Meyer, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, co-author of the new study. Dr. Beth Shapiro, an ancient DNA expert at the University of California favors the more radical possibility that Sima de los huesos cave men of the People will belong to a different branch. The more we learn of the DNA extracted from these findings, the more complicated the story becomes, - said Dr. Shapiro. Dr. Meyer hopes that he and his colleagues will be able to get more DNA was extracted from the Spanish fossils and other fossil record at that location to help solve the mystery, you just discovered. Its very hard to understand, - said Dr. Meyer. We have lost our way a little bit. Why is constantly changing up the story? The problem of human prehistory of the mystery that researchers over the years only small fragments are able to see through, plus the technology is rapidly evolving. But the main problem is that every new discovery has melévő must match the sample, which is based on the Darwinian evolutionary theory. Charles Darwin was a Freemason, as well as his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. Charles has been used to support his grandfathers theory of evolution, which long before his birth, in 1794, appeared. The highest-ranking Freemasons have always been involved in the suppression of true knowledge, and the revision of history. The Truth crushed to carefully solidified their power. Each time when new discoveries do not fit into the sample, the researchers need to re-think the whole story, as Dr. Arsuaga said. It can be seen that the ancestral history slowly starting to emerge, and always when the researchers made an important discovery, the story changes, because they no longer fit the old image, although many people still cling to old patterns. Unfortunately, this sample does not include the possibility that evolution could be the result of external, extraterrestrial intervention.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:11:00 +0000

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