**** The journey continues**** Hi guys sorry for the neglect of - TopicsExpress


**** The journey continues**** Hi guys sorry for the neglect of my page Been so busy the past few months , well i know you all loved my journey story, so this is what i have been up to this year. So my first year coaching went brillant more then i ever imagined last January i decided to pursue a career in the fitness industry rather then pursue a job in my degree. I remember thinking is this the right decision? I loved sociology but i loved fitness more, i went with my heart and jumped into coaching. I planned to gain as much experience in the first 6 months as i could. I gained a lot of results in this time frame my story and results were now known, within the first 9 months i done 6 courses and 3 seminars. I used my own journey experience along with everything i was learning to get results and changes peoples lifes,get them fitter, stronger but most of all bring back their confidence make them smile again. The most recent course has changed the way I coach. In November i travelled to New Jersey to one of the top courses in the world to gain the CPPS level 1 cert under Joe Defranco and Jim smitty Smith, the experience was unbelievable. The main thing it taught me the importance of programming . I continue to better my career and aim to be the best at what i do. Last year i was getting unmotivated and needed a purpose to train i needed goals , i ticked the box of the marathon so i decided to give powerlifting a try. My first competition i decided to do was last may ,i just entered it . So i turned up weighed in and fuelled up. The nerves set in and wearing a singlet wasnt really the best look for me , i did well but not the numbers i wanted this taught me that its totally different training in the gym to completing in a competition , but powerlifting was definitely a new love for me so i decided I wanted to really commit to the next competition. First of all i had to stop doing all my current training which was the hardest part for me as i loved it, in order for me to succeed and get the good numbers on the board i have to soley concentrate on getting strong. I knew i needed a coach someone who is an expert in the sport but most of all had done themselves in which i found Sean Ryan, he opened my eyes to training in a different way. For him getting strong was my main priorty along with fixing some moblity issues . I had, we made targets for the next compeltion which was 14 weeks away he set out my first training programme. Off I went and the weeks went by and the training was getting harder and sometimes were lasting 2 -3 hours because of the sheer volume. In order for me to do well in training plus keep up with my busy schedule in work i was comsuming a lot of calories. The training continued i had my good days and bad . It was few days before the competition ( September), that week I took abit of thinking time on my own, had the numbers i wanted to hit and nothing was stopping me from doing this . I cut weight for this competition as i had gained some weight from the last competition so the day came i was low on energy lol l packed my bag ( load of food in it lol ) and off i went , weighed in and refueled i knew i needed to believe in myself in order to succeed ,yet again i took a minute to remind myself of my journey how far i have came and where i want to go. Nerves set in, doubt sets in your mind ,warming up is the scariest part the weights feel twice as heavy , you walk out and watch the people in front of you lift you think can i do this. Then the minute you walk towards the bar you remember all the blood sweat and tears went into training ....... after 9 lifts i done it i hit the numbers way of my expections the main reason because i believed in myself . The journey continues in my career and my passion for powerlifting grows. My next comp is in April which i expect to hit my targets. The moral of the story always believe in yourself . Never give up until your last breath
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:50:56 +0000

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