The last thing that has shaped my life is a little bit more - TopicsExpress


The last thing that has shaped my life is a little bit more difficult to talk about, but is definitely my biggest inspiration. My Papa Jesse died before I was able to meet him, in fact he died before any of his grandchildren were born. Some people may think that it’s strange that my biggest inspiration is someone who I’ve never met, but I aspire to be like him every day. Every time I’m asked if I could travel back in time where would I go, my answer remains the same—I would go to the time before my papa was diagnosed with Leukemia and sit down and talk with him for at least a day. Many times I’ve been out in public and a complete stranger will walk up to me and say, “Are you by chance related to Jesse Hill?” Of course, I respond with “yes, I am his granddaughter.” A grin usually appears on the stranger’s face and they say “I could tell you were his grandchild. You look just like him.” Although I’ve seen many pictures of him, pictures don’t do the face justice all the time. I’d also liked to tell him that my mother named me after him. I take pride in my name because it gives me the chance to say that a part of him is always with me. My mom always told me that he was afraid he’d be forgotten after he died; I feel that this was one way of keeping his name ever present. Everyone’s always told me he was a good man, but I want to see for myself. He always thought that he was not a smart individual because he was never able to finish high school; he came from a very poor family and had to quit school to financially support them. He opened a small plumbing business to help make sure his family was fed and had a place to sleep. He is my inspiration to do my best in school and not take advantage of the opportunities that have been offered to me such as going to college. I will be as successful as him one day because my biggest goal is to make him proud. A grandfather is someone that is always there for you in life and can love you no matter what. I’ve always wanted to know what it would feel like to have him here or be able to at least give him one big hug and although I never will have that chance, I know he will forever be watching me. My parents shouldn’t worry because although next year I’ll be without them, I’ll never be alone.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:26:17 +0000

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