The letter i send to my universitys Vice Chancellor The Vice - TopicsExpress


The letter i send to my universitys Vice Chancellor The Vice chancellor, BBD University, Lucknow, 20 November 2014, Respected sir, “Students you are the first batch of this university and your names will be written in golden letters in the history of this university” I was present in the auditorium when you said these words. That day your confidence made us even more confident and optimistic about us and our future at BBD University. I have written this letter to make a request to you but before mentioning the request I would like to write a few words about my three and a half years at BBD University. The first year was puzzling for most of the students as we did have classes but labs were a challenge. There were lots of irregularities as labs were distributed throughout the campus and very often that we were left wandering in the campus. A number of students did complained but there were some like me who knew that university has just started and it was difficult for the management to arrange for labs so soon. Later labs did develop but never in accordance with the syllabus of first batch. Thus we suffered a technical damage that is hard to recover. Our university library is having more or less the same story the books arrived but only for our junior batch we didnt have books when we required them. Further the costly books are kept in reference section and the section opens for only one and a half hour after the classes and its really difficult for engineering students to clear doubts in such a short time. The most interesting department of this institution is the training and placement cell. 2012-13 when the first IRI program Purple leap was rolled out, I was one of the first students to submit fees for that program. I willingly attended classes but it was not even a semester that the program failed pathetically. The lack of infrastructure rendered the program useless in all aspects. Later in 2013-14 training and placement cell again gave us a surprise. This time they called a company “Orane labs” for teaching us AutoCad. Here is the surprise, I searched all PSUs eligibility criteria and found that none require Autocad certificate and there is no extra weightage for the same. I was shocked and a student who willingly submitted Purple leap fees decide to not pay for Autocad but again we did not have option to leave it we were bound to take whatever TNP gives. Being a middle class student I arranged money for studying German language but ended up giving it for TNP IRI program. In the first two years I didnt wished to complain and now there is no time left for complaining. Further it was me who choose BBD University in UPSEE 2011 counseling. Yet I don’t regret my decision of choosing BBD. I know management would have done a number of things for students which may not actually be visible to us. GATE is scheduled to be conducted in February and for core branch engineering students it’s the first and the last hope for a good future and my request to you is regarding the same. I would like to tell you about a very ambitious project undertaken by MHRD, India named NPTEL (National program on technology enhanced learning) focused at enhancing the quality of engineering education in India. Under this program lectures of IITs are recorded and are made available for free online. Anyone can download these lectures from internet or can order DVDs of each subject at a cost of 250rupees. Now our course is composed of around 42 subjects further downloading these lectures is a mammoth task and a student can afford neither of these options. There is another option for Institutions. Institutions can send a 7Tera Byte hard drive to IIT Madras and can get these lectures on the hardrive for free. The 7TB data will consist of subjects of all branches of engineering and further after the copying the data to a master computer hardrive can again be used for other purposes. The quality of knowledge imparted in IITs can be made within reach of us also. I have met a lot of students who are willing to take help of these lectures but the financial constraints are preventing them from fulfilling their need. Now its up to you If you feel that these lectures can be of any use to your students then please act on it and provide it to us. Further, if you don’t find my request considerable even then I know that your blessings will be with me and I will leave the institution with your words you said on the day you first briefed us. In my life I would try my best to reach a position where this university can write my name in golden letters. Thank you Sir, for whatever you have given to us. Under your shed this university is bound to grow. Vivek Soni, Mechanical Engineering, Final Year.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:29:43 +0000

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