The light is spreading, my dear. All the hard work is paying off. - TopicsExpress


The light is spreading, my dear. All the hard work is paying off. The ley lines are being activated. Truth is becoming visible and it is being exposed and discussed. This is what we have been working towards for some years: the removal of the invisible bars that had enclosed and imprisoned you. Expect the cabal to put up a fight. They will not go quietly. It is public knowledge that they have a plan to use false flag incidents in various key cities around the world on the 22 June. By making their intent public, they may change their minds, thus refraining from exposing themselves further. They are in the defensive mode. There are some factions which want to kill and destroy whatever they can as they are not good losers. My dear, I need to make you aware of an organisation which has the objective of destroying your work and your reputation. It puts out false information about you and your work. Its members try to prevent others, like Andrew Bartzis, from working with you. They approach all who are in close contact with you. However, those who are SOLID in their beliefs and judgments will not be swayed. The cabal leaves no stone unturned in its desire to destroy you. Your work with Andrew Bartzis must continue. Humanity is ready to hear the TRUTH. The information that you and Andrew will bring out into the open on the 20 June will expose and explain so much about Ireland to Iran. It is necessary to have this information in order to understand what is being done in your world today. It will surprise many of you and it will expose the lies and corruption that have brought humanity to its knees. You have been lied to, and these lies have cost you so much. This information has been successfully hidden. It was the first step taken in order to imprison humanity. When you know what was done, everything will fall into place. You have existed in darkness for 2000 years. Now, you have the opportunity to change your world, and become, once more, complete beings of light. When the Dark Ones are completely removed, you will remember what you were once capable of, in times past, when you fully understood how the universe operated. You were part of it; before the vibration was altered. You must now open your minds to all possibilities. Space is no boundary. You can go faster than the speed of light. Once again, it will be proved that the scientists have got it wrong. Things can materialise and dematerialise; this has been established. Everything is thought, everything is vibration. Mankind understood this, thousands of years ago, before he was interfered with, so that the cabal could take control. I have explained many times that this is how Ireland and Egypt were able to connect. Its peoples did not need boats or planes. Now, these capabilities are coming back. Think how exciting this will be. You hold yourselves back through lack of imagination. In the future, everything will be possible. You are on Earth at this time in order to bring about these changes. No one can stop you; not even the Dark Ones. They have tried hard to make this their world, but they have failed. They are digging their own graves by trying to continue to succeed. LOVE IS THE KEY that can fix everything. Great joy awaits you. We are all coming together as one. When Man fully understands how the universe works, we will bring forward knowledge of these patterns of change. Then you will live at a soul level. This is the time for which you have been praying and waiting. Your efforts have brought it about; especially those wonderful souls who worked, and continue to work, on the ley lines, obelisks, and all the control symbols. You are now fully aware that these were used to imprison you, and you refuse to allow this to continue. I am aware, my dear, that we are asking a lot of you. You did agree to this work before you returned to Earth. Yes, it is necessary for you to return to Ireland next weekend to continue what you began last month. That was a great success and the results are there for all to see. Help will come to make this easier for you. You understand what needs to be done. Ireland is waking up to the terrible truth of what its people endured during the Vatican Rule. The whole of humanity will not be free until the Vatican is exposed for what it actually is. Kevin Annett is doing exceptional work on this subject. It would be good for you both to meet and to join forces, where possible. The removal of evil must be paramount. Every last vestige of it must be removed. Please, Veronica, enjoy Ireland and its wonderful energy. The people are the salt of the Earth. Take a little time to relax. We do not ask you to work twenty four hours a day. You need time to unwind and relax occasionally. There is no better place on Earth to do so than Ireland. You need to recharge your batteries in order to complete our work. Forever by your side. Your adoring, Monty.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:21:04 +0000

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