The loss our blue family has experienced in the past few months - TopicsExpress


The loss our blue family has experienced in the past few months alone is enough to stop any of us in our tracks. Weve gone from one of the best years to one of the deadliest years in law enforcement in a matter of weeks. For many of us, the loss is a gut wrenching reminder of how fragile this borrowed time is. We hear of the loss and we reevaluate our own pettiness. We rethink our own selfish tendencies. We categorize missed meals, late shifts, cancelled plans and the like in a low priority zone in relation to the big picture. Many of us who have allowed resentment and anger a place in our life, our relationships, our marriages, tend to check ourselves. After all...its painfully obvious how much worse things could be. Many of us who have allowed the chaos of life to interrupt our dedication to our marriage and life partnership take a step back, we correct our own behavior and we thank whatever God or higher power for allowing us a second chance at love, dedication and appreciation for life. Yet...there are some...some whose issues and pain and confusion at their place in this life become lost in the obvious reality which is slapping them in the face. There are those who continue to embrace that which comes easy. Easy gratification. Easy attention. Easy validation. Ease of life while avoiding personal accountability. Ease of life with no regard for the pain they inflict on those who love them. There is a sad, taboo reality in law enforcement..although law enforcement is not the contributing factor. It is an easy excuse. There are those who use the circumstances of this blue life to excuse their morals and ethics. There are those who stray from their marriages and responsibilities and commitments while claiming their spouse doesnt understand, etc. Theres no excuse. Life is choices. Either you commit as a partnership to attack this life as an unbreakable team, or you play the game on opposite sides. Marriage, partnership, life commitments are not competitions. They are joint ventures. There is no score card. There is no my day was worse than yours. There is no validate me before I validate you. Until you are working as a team for the betterment of you life journey together...all is lost. If you cant own your mistakes, there is no moving forward. If you dont cherish one another, all is lost. If you dont respect one another, you are diminishing yourself. If you dont value your partnership as much as you value yourself, you are not truly invested in your partnership. If at any time you belittle, demean, reduce or disrespect your partner via words, actions or thoughts, you are being abusive. If you are accepting of this behavior by your partner, you ARE in an abusive relationship. If you are disrespecting your partner in any of these ways, you ARE an abuser. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. and if you cant...move along. Do not allow yourself to be disrespected. Honor yourself. Love yourself. Share that with someone who values your worth as much as they value themselves. ~Mel.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:44:17 +0000

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