The majority of people reject the true gospel because its - TopicsExpress


The majority of people reject the true gospel because its offensive & instead they choose a gospel that conforms to them . They want a non convicting message about a Jesus who is like a genie granting their wishes. Who winks at sin and wont judge them This week alone I have been called a false prophet three times. I have been called unloving on two different discussions & on two different subjects . one on false teacher Joyce Meyers, The other on marriage divorce and remarriage . I have done nothing but give the Word of God. I have been called legalistic because I point to the scriptures that say that we are to obey the Lord and keep His commandments and to seek holiness. Do they not know that without holiness no man shall see God ? If you are not seeking holiness and the things of God it is quite possible you have never been converted and you should be afraid. They dont know what grace is, they dont know what law is and how they work together. Oh how they pervert grace! Every TRUE Christian is a crown jewel onto the Lord and a clear demonstration of his power They have come up with some doozies this week. I was not a Christian at the time, God knows my heart, I was too young at that time to understand marriage even though I made vows before the Lord , but the Lord didnt bring us together so I can divorce even though I didnt work hard at making my marriage work. I even heard today that we should rely more on the Spirit less on the Bible . My response to that was that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God have to be equal and they are never in contradiction to each other. God left us both. I have been told I am hateful , that I dont love enough that the Word of God is only to be preached with love and preach only things that edify people and in doing so they leave out truth, conviction ,repentance & forsaking sin and of course judgement. They shouted self righteous , Pharisee I quoted scripture... I never condemn anybody . I give them the Word of God & I point them to the cross and to repentance. If they reject the Word of God thats on them. I have obeyed God by warning them. If I give a scripture that says people go to hell those are the words of God take it up with him I will never comfort you with a lie. I even pray for people. I am patient , careful of what I say because I know that I am accountable to God . I know there are many people even though they dont comment they are seeing what is being said... The Word of God is the only weapon I will ever need. You know at times I sit and ponder things out . I think about the conditions of the people who profess to be Christians. All of the blame doesnt fall just on them its also whats been taught in these modern churches. The blame that does fall on people is if they dont read the Bible to know the truth . Instead they follow men who have agendas and preach doctrines of devils to deceive and for gain. Those things make a person guilty and accountable to God. They will certainly leave you without an excuse on judgement day. This God loves everybody no matter what and that everyone is going to heaven business needs to be cut off at the root the only truth to this statement is in John 3:16 but they never use narrow is the way and few find it . They dont talk about the severity of God psalm 7:11 that God is angry with the wicked everyday. The Lord loves those that obey Him those are his children the rest are the children of disobedience and belong to the devil More and more we are seeing these churches of men conform to the ideas of the world producing more and more false converts that no longer adhere to the Word of God. Those that love the world do not have the love of the Father What we have are professing Christians living like Devils as if no judgement should befall them ever.... Todays church and todays professing Christians need a good cleansing. Do you seriously think they can pull a Jonah and try to run from God on judgement day? ...By the way How did that turn out? Todays professing Christians do not know what the gospel is really about. They pick and choose what they want to believe, what they want to hear preached and That is NOT the gospel !! Imagine if nobody stood up to false teachers & to error never holding anyone accountable that would be chaos. I will never again conform to the world. So I will offer no apologies for preaching the word of God.. I suppose this is for all that have added me.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 03:11:52 +0000

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