The meeting was opened by the London Divisional Officer Duncan - TopicsExpress


The meeting was opened by the London Divisional Officer Duncan Malloy who welcomed both new members as well as invited attendees. Duncan noted that it was pleasing to welcome an audience of Thirty Six (36). The general coconscious expressed was that the number could quite easily be increased with some ground work and preparation. Thanks were also expressed to the Landlord for allowing the NBU to host its London divisional meeting on his premises as well as laying on some a fantastic buffet. Agenda items · Leafleting A leafleting campaign was outlined by DM. This will see Blackshirts distributing leaflets at various points in London. Teams will hand leaflets out to the general public and though use of the tube network, move on to the next designated leafleting point. It is important that we try and cover as large a geographical are as possible given a limited time frame. Weekend leafleting was seen as preferential although some attendees offered their time during the week. The meeting was advised that the NBU has now a couple of reliable printers through which leaflets and general hand-out can be processed. · NBU News Letter AB advised that the NBU is in the process of creating a news letter, in a similar vein to the Action Press, which last saw publication in 1940. As with the BUF, the intent of the New Action Press news letter is to promote the movement as well as promoting our policies to the general public. This will be a monthly publication, with the intent of moving to a by-weekly / weekly as our movement grows and news is generated on a larger scale. Initial as with the leafleting exercise, Blackshirts will freely distribute copies of our newsletter on the streets of every major town. · Cable Street DM outlined our plans to hold a historic Blackshirt march through Cable Street in 2014. As with most aspects, the history of the BUF marching through Cable Street is skewed and very one-sided. What we wish to promote is the historic fact that despite the Battle of Cable Street which took place on Sunday 4th October 1936 between the Reds, many of whom were imported from Glasgow and the Metropolitan Police, the Blackshirts did in fact march through the area unhindered and unmolested both later that Sunday and again on-mass on the 14th October 1936 at which time Sir Oswald was able to address over 100,000 people at Limehouse, East London. Obviously this event will attract many from both sides, so we need to get our planning right and make sure we notify the Metropolitan Police in plenty of time. The meeting was advised that in line with the 1936 Public Order Act, the wearing of political uniforms in public remains illegal, however, in some instances such as matters of public interest and/or historic events, there is provision within the act to allow uniforms to be worn. However, we need to put to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police our application for exemption. At this time we have not awarded a contract to a suitable clothing manufacturer, who will make reproductions of the old BUF Action Press Uniform which will be required so to maintain the historic purpose of the event. · Political Uniforms PM advised that matters where pretty much the same as those detailed during the NBU conference. Currently the NBU has an appeal sitting with the European Commission, who are reviewing the 1936 Public Order Act and its infringement on Human Rights legislation. A number of both members and attendees expressed a desire to wear a NBU uniform on the streets and by so doing both promote the movement as well as showing the Reds that Fascism is alive and doing very well. · Greek Embassy Demo Invited attendee; Eddie Stampton outlined the plans and intent surrounding the pro-Golden Dawn demonstration, which will take place on Saturday 9th November outside the Greek Embassy, London. Eddie advised that RV points will be allocated closer to the time, with advice going out through text and email. Obviously we need to get a good attendance, especially from the NBU who will be making a strong presence. �@ Following a round the table discussion, the meeting was closed with many attendees jumping onto a bus and travelling down to Bethnal Green, for a walkabout., a bit of liquid refreshment as well as nostalgia, in that we were following in the steps of the men and women of the BUF who proudly wore their Blackshirts in that part of London some 77 years previously.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:16:18 +0000

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