The minimum cost of a bungalow of 1 acre land in Lutyens delhi - TopicsExpress


The minimum cost of a bungalow of 1 acre land in Lutyens delhi will cost 150 crore. The total area of Lutyens delhi is occupied by Neta Nagri is 2000 acres ( Leaving the important establishments like ministery offices, parliament or raisina hills.) Thus the total land costs 3,00,000 crore. Adding a big FSI (floor space index) the cost goes upto ten times ie. 30 lakh crore. This is the blocked capital cost of running our wonderful government. And what do these great Neta do there ? Just scratch their head nothing else. They dont even speak their mind but written by someone else. If their residences are shifted to Gurgaon or NOIDA, It will cost barely 20,000 crore (less than 1% of the blocked capital) to make new luxury residence for them. The remaining amount can be used to reduce our staggering government debts. Which in turn would reduce a few lakh crore of the interest that mounts every year. There are just the possibilities in Delhi. Similarly every state capital has enormous government land in prime areas reserved for sub productive uses. Which can also be made productive by shifting it to suburban areas and billion dollars can be accrued.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:56:10 +0000

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