The murder of Reeva Steenkamp and the Pistorius trial has really - TopicsExpress


The murder of Reeva Steenkamp and the Pistorius trial has really affected me, like it has affected many, many other survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner abuse. It all just feels too close to home -- the text messages, the blaming, the shaming, the drama, the crocodile tears, the wrong diagnosis/misdiagnosis, and the frustration surrounding societys civil need to consider this murderers defense. So we need to let the world know how we feel about the conclusions being drawn and bring the focus back to proper awareness and education about pathology and the harm caused. Does it matter what we call it? Psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism? No, because regardless of the source or cause of the individuals behavior, the behavior harms and continues to harm and re-victimize the victims and everyone within range of the sociopaths sphere of influence. In the case of Pistorius, his sphere is the entire world thanks to the media coverage and his Olympic past and notoriety. And our sphere of positive influence can be global, too. People dont go to the news anymore; news must come to them. Thats why its important to push any news story with narcissist, sociopath, psychopath in the title to your favorite, go-to social media feeds. Please share this story, so it gets picked up by Google News. Tweet, Google+, Pin, Reddit, or whatever you like to do with stories you deem interesting or important. Find me on Twitter. I follow everyone who follows me, and I also follow as many DV awareness pages and shelters and foundations that I can find in search: https://twitter/paulareeves821 We really can get the message out and our voices heard if we work together. Namaste! ~Paula commdiginews/sports/the-pistorius-diagnosis-experts-got-it-wrong-20767/
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:43:14 +0000

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