The official version of events on September 11, 2001 is one of the - TopicsExpress


The official version of events on September 11, 2001 is one of the great hoaxes in world history, which has been used to manipulate the American people for political purposes and has led to undermining the Constitution, launching illegal wars, and subjecting the people to virtually unrestricted surveillance. Since terrorism involves the use of acts of violence and threats of violence to instill fear into a population in order to manipulate it for political purposes, the American government appears to be using terrorism to manipulate the American people. The purpose of 911? To enable the rapid introduction of police state laws under the guise of The War on Terror; To start a mass program of propaganda against Muslims and the Arab World, in preparation for the coming war between political Zionists and the Islamic World, as predicted by Albert Pike.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 16:00:16 +0000

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