The only threat to our freedoms & liberties since the American - TopicsExpress


The only threat to our freedoms & liberties since the American revolution has been our own US GOVERNMENT..PERIOD. The sheeple hallucinate their authority. Our troops get exploited & used to further corporate agendas not protect our constitution, freedoms or BORDERS. THEY ENLIST FOR THE RIGHT INTENTIONS INTO THE ENFORCEMENT ARM OF A CRIMINAL GANG. IGNORANCE & lack of awareness of true history & honest self evaluation of US Gov behavior leave the country with some false sense of pride, in denial, dressed like a whore in a spotless white wedding dress. There have been no wars fought to defend freedom..its ALL BEEN EMPIRE BUILDING, RESOURCE EXPLOITATION, DEFEND CORPORATE INTEREST & OIL& covert agendas..afforded to the elite by the blood of innocents...lets tell it like it is. Theres no honor in that type military. Serving the corporatocracy. Want to be patriots? Overthrow the corrupt government & close & guard the borders & protect the lands our forefathers Stole from the Indians & Mexicans tell it like it is!. Joining the military to serve your country is like joining the mafia to serve your neighborhood. My father, a navy vet saw this obscene mutation & refused to allow me to join the military & die in some bullshit war in Vietnam started by a false flag in the gulf of Tonkin. I respect those who had good intentions & joined from patriotism..but you were a Dumas being used by BANKSTERS in suits & corrupt politicians. We need a war on corruption. You can paint military service & trumped up threats to security a more appealing color if you want but its still the same ball of shit underneath the coatings. Its a sad shame the military doesnt stand up for itself & eradicate the corrupted use of its forces. Stop buying into the warm& fuzzy bullshit people..grow your brains
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:14:13 +0000

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