The only way to predict the future is by knowing the past Patrick - TopicsExpress


The only way to predict the future is by knowing the past Patrick Henry Lets look at a few things with a historical perspective. 1. What has happened to every country that has allowed a large islamic population to move freely in their countries ? You could start with middle eastern countries like Iran or Egypt, both are ruled by the iron fist of islam. 100s of 1000s of non muslims are dead. For a more recent example we could look at France. The muzzies have already taken over large parts of every major city and instituted their culture and laws. England has lost portions of every city and their laws are changing and now hurt the true English people. Do we believe that Americas future will some how be different ? How about countries that have allowed the public school system to rewrite the nations history. Germany is a great example of this. Its True that the German nation fought two world wars and lost many citizens, they also had reasons to try and throw off the oppressive cutting up of Germany after the first war. The sense of national pride has been taken from the German people and a country responsible for many inventions that make our life better today has been dormant on the international intellectual market for years. No Einstein or no Braun would set back our scientific world back a hundred years. Do we think America will be immune to this ? The latest great inventor or thinker in America was born when ? What happens when socialists & communist are welcomed into a nations dialogue ? The 15 million dead Chinese cant tell us, neither can the 12 million dead Russians. The millions dead in Korea, Vietnam, are also silent. I guess the American people could somehow have a different fate than every other nation but I dont see how. Do you ? We could look at the loss of Honor or Morality or the right to Bear Arms, to Secure our Boarders and find how those worked out elsewhere, if we needed to. I Think We Know The Answers Each of these lessons of history are forgotten and ignored. Those who seek to use the same methods to destroy America cloak their intentions in our constitution, they extract verdicts from our judicial system that we all know are Anti American. Our law enforcement protects the rights of the criminal by persecuting the victims. We Americans have become a gullible people. We welcome the invading horde and support the destroyers because we fear someone worse. Its time that we start honestly predicting our future and then Changing It
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:45:15 +0000

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