The organizer of the Rotarian luncheon/Q&A (Wayne Kennedy) asked - TopicsExpress


The organizer of the Rotarian luncheon/Q&A (Wayne Kennedy) asked me after it was over how I liked it. I told him it was controlled and contrived. He was aghast and wanted to know why I thought so. I thought so because in the first invitation it said prepared questions will be asked of all the candidates. Then it would be open to the peanut gallery. It was well attended with peanut gallery types but only Rotarians were allowed to ask questions and they were all of the softball variety. Regular readers of my page will remember my predicting Matt Lewis would not show up because there were too many folks who were wise to his gangster police tactics in recent years winding up in an extremely expensive law suit (six figures rumoured). According to Lewis, the settlement was paid by Mesa County. Well since the questions were controlled by limiting them to MEMBERS ONLY , can you guess who showed up? Sure, it was Matt Lewis looking like an innocent choir boy devoid of scandal or taint. Theres only one conclusion as to why the Mesa County Machine would allow their golden boy to be seen in public ready to answer the pointy questions of a sceptical public. They wrote the softball questions and made sure none were tough. Only their questions were asked. Does any one in their right mind, doubt this? They never would have allowed him off the reservation unless it was fixed and it was fixed. If the Rotarians want us to believe they arent part this crap, lets do it over again and have questions from NON ROTARIANS. Thats REAL questions from the REAL peanut gallery. I welcome all the tough questions the dark side can conjure up. If we can make it happen, lets see who shows up for THAT one. Write in candidate, MIKE HARLOW
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:13:00 +0000

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