The people at VH1 pored through the Amazon reviews for some - TopicsExpress


The people at VH1 pored through the Amazon reviews for some legendary rock albums . . . and highlighted some of the amusingly bad, one-star reviews. Here are a few highlights: 1. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles. Quote, I just bought this CD, and I dont see what all the hype is about. My teacher always talks about the Beatles, but they have no lyrical skills. My cousin Rodney is a better songwriter than these clowns. I think they should remix these songs with 50 Cent or Snoop . . . then theyd really get some fans behind them. (This one seems like its either trolling, or just a joke.) 2. Graceland, Paul Simon. Quote, I heard one song on the radio, and it was good. I assumed the entire CD would be enjoyable. But it was not. 3. Blonde on Blonde, Bob Dylan. Quote, Another album with no hits. Um, did that happen to Elvis or The Beatles? Um, no it did not. This guy is horrific. 4. Pet Sounds, The Beach Boys. Quote, This is not the Beach Boys. It cant be. [There are] no beach songs! I thought it was some kind of a joke. All Pet Sounds offers is the opportunity to hear Brian Wilson whine for 40 minutes, backed by elevator music. 5. Led Zeppelin 1, Led Zeppelin. Quote, Good God, this album blows. It fails to ever produce even one memorable track. Dont get me wrong, it produces memorable moments and riffs, but never a track that doesnt derail. They may start off great, but then they fall apart into some stupid psychedelic interlude, where theres neither a beat nor a key. Theres just . . . for a lack of a better word . . . noise. 6. Ramones, The Ramones. Quote, Maybe they should have just one song. Seriously, every song on this album sounds the same. They cant sing, and have managed to figure out ONE way to express music . . . By droning out the same, tired guitar sequence, while ushering in their strange, half-talk, half-mumble singing style, with lyrics that no one can understand, or would want to. Absolute trash and overhyped garbage.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:13:56 +0000

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