The perfect storm: Take an obscure black politician who has - TopicsExpress


The perfect storm: Take an obscure black politician who has almost no verifiable qualifications; Hide his college records; Hide his passport records; Get this man elected president and elect liberals to control both sides of the legislative branch of government too; Immediately spring into action to craft a government healthcare system that is a complete shift from the present functioning system; Assure yourself that it will be great, because all your socialist academic buddies involved in crafting agree that it will be great; Push the legislation forward even though polls show that most Americans dont like it; Tell Americans - repeatedly - that they can keep their old healthcare plan if they want - even though you are deliberately crafting the plan to cause millions of Americans to lose their existing insurance (psst, its called LYING); Hire personal & political cronies and spend over $600 million FOR A WEBSITE; Come roll-out day the website doesnt work (cause cronies are all about graft and kick-backs - not websites); have millions of Americans receive notice that they are losing their insurance - contrary of what you promised some 30 times in 3 years; Have this all happen less than 12 months before a mid-term election; Go on tv and lie saying that you didnt lie, saying that we should have known their were unspoken ifs, ands, and buts even though you had repeatedly finished your promise with period - a statement that is meant to communicate that you have just said the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; When everyone realizes you lied, apologize by telling people youre sorry that they dont understand what a good thing you did to them by taking away their right to choose their own healthcare; Have less than 100,000 people enroll in the first month while 5,000,000 Americans who had insurance receive notice they are losing their policies because of your legislation; Ignore the constitution and declare you are changing the law without action by congress - AGAIN; Have Bill Clinton rag on you for your dishonesty (yes, Bill Clinton); Realize that with only 100,000 signing up for the plan while over 400,000 signed up for Medicare means youre plan is totally screwed; Realize that the young people who your plan must have to make your plan work are standing back with their arms crossed and their arm extended with their middle finger pointing up at you; Realize that during your fantasy socialist planning extravaganza that it NEVER OCCURRED to you or your academia buddies that such a thing might happen; Realize all over again that youre totally screwed; Determine that no matter what, you arent backing off of your socialist dream; Tell insurance companies go ahead and un-cancel all these insurance plans we made you cancel - as if you are a dictator in a third world country; This is the perfect storm - brought to you by the American low-information-voter. Folks, this is what happens when you elect a person who gives flowery speeches with catch words like Hope and Change and you dont examine their qualifications or their personal political history - said history which would have clearly demonstrated this man was raised and mentored to be a Marxist from his earliest childhood. Maybe next time, we should vote less about the color of their skin, and more about the content of their character.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 05:32:15 +0000

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