The personal cost and embarrassment of climate change denial. Like - TopicsExpress


The personal cost and embarrassment of climate change denial. Like many of you, weve experienced the ignorant wrath of friends and relatives who have been brainwashed by hate media to reject any connection between human activity and climate change (much less denying climate change is even happening). Following the style of Fox News and hate radio commentators, discussions on the subject quickly turn into ridicule and personal attacks. Opinions become equivalent to facts. Logical fallacies replace rational thought. The intensity of the attacks from people who we love and trust have led to irreparable damage to once wonderful relationships. We are not sure when it became OK not to care for those different or less fortunate than ourselves, much less the planet, but we fear the near sociopathic behavior many climatic change deniers exhibit toward anyone who accepts science over demagoguery may well cause as much harm to our our society as rising sea levels. We are hoping that soon, as the impacts of climate change touch each of us in very personal ways, the embarrassment over being duped by ignorance will finally be acknowledged by those who have been hijacked by what will likely be seen as one of historys most successful propaganda campaigns. latimes/nation/la-na-climate-change-20140507-story.html#page=1
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 15:35:37 +0000

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