The port city of Rajin is in the farthest corner of North Korea - - TopicsExpress


The port city of Rajin is in the farthest corner of North Korea - in the province of North Hamgyong Province on the coast of the East (Japan) Sea. Not far from here to the border with Russia and China.The place is very picturesque: low, but the beautiful hills and mountains, combined with the harsh mountains of romance and small islands. About the population of accurate data could not be found, but in the eyes of the citys population is about 30, up to 50 thousand people. The city became a kind of first swallow in economic policy authorities of the country of Juche that stake on the creation of such special zones. Their main goal - to attract foreign investors, creating in these regions, as they say in Russia today, zones of priority development together with foreign capital. The implication from the outset that the Rajin can count on the money as of the nearby countries - China and Russia, as well as all the others, attracting investors by the presence of a good port.Soon Rajin administratively merged with the neighboring Sonbon, creating a shared city Rajin-Sonbon although objectively Rajin and Sonbon still have not merged, they are separated from each other quite noticeable distance. In 1994 it was placed under the direct control of the central government of the country, moving from the province of North Hamgyong. Later, however, once again, there were reports that the Rajin-Sonbon returned to the province. In 1998, the name of the band was removed the word free, it was only a economic and trade. Since 2000, the country began to use the abbreviated name of the city - Rason, on the first syllable Rajin and Sonbon. Thats what the city now and is indicated on the official maps of the DPRK, but the port is still called Rajin. However, often on foreign cards can be seen and widespread in South Korea pronunciation and spelling - Nadzhin.In general Rajin - is part of a special trade and economic zone Rason, where the DPRK authorities on a priority basis to attract foreign capital. -Группа солидарности с КНДР
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:20:56 +0000

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