The power of healing in your fingertips... a beginning of a - TopicsExpress


The power of healing in your fingertips... a beginning of a conversation on mudras. As a healing modality, the fingers are understood as electrical circuits, re-directing the free flow of energy (#prana) that is present in these discharge points. When focused back into the body with intention, specific results can be obtained to achieve balance within. Each finger is characteristic of an element: the thumb is fire (agni), the index finger is air (vayu), the middle finger is ether (akash), the ring finger earth (prithvi), and the little finger is water (jal). In accordance with the oldest healing science of Ayurveda, life (ayus)+knowledge (veda), we are composed of these elements or building blocks. All disease is due to an imbalance in the body caused by lack or excess of any of these elements, and once balanced the body can then heal itself. Thus, Yog Tatva Mudra Vigyan is a science based on the principle of #Ayurveda, and is an entirely distinct, independent branch of supreme #Yoga. yogitimes/article/what-are-mudras-healing-fingers-yoga
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:00:00 +0000

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