The problem I have with putting so much faith in counseling is - TopicsExpress


The problem I have with putting so much faith in counseling is this...most of the concepts that are practiced by psychologist our rooted in the worlds system and do not take in account the need to renew ones mind as commanded in the Scripture...I think there is a higher way in Christ for restoration of a sound mind....let go of the one another...keep no records of wrongs...think about what you are thinking about and if it is not serving you why keep serving it...forgive as you have been forgiven...and the list goes on and on...spending time rehearsing what should of, could of and would of been is wasted energy that could be put into decreeing and declaring what God has said about you...Why are we so hell bent on following a system that doesnt work. Arm yourself with the word of aware...wake up out of your sleep...Be ye therefore transformed by the entire renewing of your mind so that you will be able to prove what is the good and acceptable will of the God in Christ Jesus...any thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God throw it out dont try to analysis why its there...just get rid of it!!! There is an adversary that runs to and fro looking for someone to devour but there is also a God that looks to and fro for someone to show Himself strong in...decide to be that one that is available for God to show Himself strong in...blessings all!!!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 21:59:46 +0000

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