The problem with an Islam that is advancing in European society - TopicsExpress


The problem with an Islam that is advancing in European society will be solved, in Europe, when Europe will relinquish the defective, statist loving, cry-baby, submissive, subject like, mindset that is present within most of the populace. If they dont do that, then Islam might became the next control tool within Europe and it will be adopted on large scale. It wouldnt be for the first time when a religious cult is adopted and institutionalized in order to better control the populace. Europeans cry for their state and governs to do something, while they fail to understand that for nowadays political and power establishment Islam is as good as Christianity was for Emperor Constantine, as good as socialism and social state paradigm were in their time(and are still functioning in maintaining a submissive mindset), and so on. Now take a look at the way an obscure Middle Est cult, backed by political and administrative will of the Emperor Constantine, which considered that cult a useful political tool, was imposed as the official religion all over the Western hemisphere. After that, a few centuries of terror followed, any alternative line of thought being eliminated(compare that with nowadays PC crap) and that new religion was the one and only way. Constantine motivation was simple: the control over the populace through the religious cults that were up to that point, was fading. A new mass control tool was needed. And now, quite similar to what happened less than 2000 years ago, another Middle East religious cult is on the rise and making its way into being the new control tool. Same as then, the followers of that cult are pretty savage and often criminals, they dont respect the law of the land and are considered martyrs by their own, if punished. See the pattern repeating itself? At some point, Darius, the Persian Emperor, marched his armies into Europe to impose submission to the dark deities and mystique of the East. He was stopped by Greeks, since they refused to give up on reason, on rationality and knowledge, and bow to the darkness of Babylon. Darius was defeated, but the Babylon promised they will not give up in making Europe bow to mystique and relinquish rationalism. Some time after, through Constantine, first all out war against reason took place, spawning over a significant number of centuries. Then it faded. Then the concepts like statism and social state replaced the religion, but maintained the submissive mindset, by putting the state in place of the church. Now that is fading away too. But a new cult is at hand: Islam. Stone Age like, primitive, savage, appealing to those dark, primitive structures of the psyche, combining terror, claims of absolute truth, fixed mind frame, statism and blessings for the lack of reason. Thats about it... Since the fall of the ancient Romes Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire, when the populace admitted, in spite of any reason, to bow to a human being and consider it a God, the Western hemisphere is on the path of submission, bowing to darkness and irrationality, relinquishing self determination and rationality in all manners possible. The ones that managed to get away from this darkness, went on a different continent and founded what is now known as USA. But nowadays the fight has reached those lands too, since they were and are an act of defiance against thousands of years of darkness and submission. That would be the short story of the last 3000 years.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:53:53 +0000

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