The respect of religion. Just my opinion... It would seem - TopicsExpress


The respect of religion. Just my opinion... It would seem that every day you wake up, there is more bad news. Time and time again, we see it everywhere, a gross neglect for logic, reason and accountability. Most of these problems are caused by simple beliefs. There is also this pompous attitude of deserving respect. A convoluted sense of importance or high entitlement, because one person believes in something. If you look closely enough, you can see this attitude, not just in religion, but in every day life as well. But my point here is mainly about religion. These same people also believe they do not have to answer questions, or think it is disrespectful to question them. This sense of entitlement seems very childish to me. If you have nothing to hide, why would you be afraid of questions? The utter simplicity in the statement that that religion demands respect, should we not also demand that it needs to be questioned? To prove this deserved respect? We have to pay this reverence, this inconceivable respect to religion, why? We have to respect something that has caused more death and destruction on this planet? Religion does not deserve respect or reverence of any kind. Any population of people, that gather under a pretense of doing the work of a god, or in the name of, or for the praise of god, ( that is apparently all knowing and loving ) and harms people, in the same in group, for selfish and malicious reasons, is obviously mentally damaged. Those who pontificate and lead by example to these followers, are mentally damaged. They will never learn from mistakes or new ideas that could possibly enlighten them on the possibility, no matter how small, that they could be wrong. Thousands of years of indoctrination, stories they have heard from grand parents, passed down thru generations, is nothing more than a storm that gains momentum. A storm of great power and destruction, that devours empathy for human suffering in gluttonous celebration. They will never learn, even the death of an innocent child cannot shelter them from the storm of ignorance they have created. They will never learn, and that is the saddest part. I will never respect religion or its ideals. I am not obligated in any way to do so. I can acknowledge your belief, but I do not have to respect it.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 12:58:50 +0000

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