The seriousness of the issue of our feckless president, something - TopicsExpress


The seriousness of the issue of our feckless president, something conservatives have been communicating for years, is NOT a party issue. His impotence, irresponsibility and impudent promise to fundamentally transform America are not recent issues. Conservatives saw the problem, warned of the problem and are now continuing to shake their heads in disgust and dismay at what his pathetic politics have indeed done to our nation. Im with Sarah Palin, impeach him! His response to the horrific shooting down of the Malaysian flight was at best embarrassing and truthfully disgusting. The Bible says that from the overflow of ones heart, the mouth speaks. Our presidents words and lack thereof have revealed a heart that is narcissistic and pathetic. Theres a reason why great leaders of our country are remembered as our founding Fathers. In part it is a great comparison because fathers are fiercely protective... Wheres our leaders fierceness? Wheres the powerful condemnation of evil? Even an average father would stand mightily in defense of his child! Obama is an embarrassment as a leader. He instills no confidence. When his wife said she had never been proud to be an American I was so sad and shocked and angry at her words. But now, I see how she feels. Her husbands actions have made me feel that way. But I wont give in to that shame. I will not be ashamed to be an American...But I am ashamed of our first family. Words matter. Words have consequences. His words were a far cry from President Reagan’s 1983 fierce denunciation of the Soviet shooting down of a Korean airliner as a ‘crime against humanity. Go back and review how a true fatherly leader passionately and proudly leads by reading the unapologetic words of our former presidents and do NOT forget those words and the tenor of their powerful responses. When it comes time this November to vote, vote out the Obama followers. Vote in strong leaders who are proud to be Americans, who will stand firmly against evil, who will lead by example... And drinking beers, cutting in line and golfing while our national security is at stake is NOT the example we need (in case you werent sure.)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:49:53 +0000

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