The shutdown in Washington Obama and that little Runt Reed - TopicsExpress


The shutdown in Washington Obama and that little Runt Reed blaming everyone from Santa Claus to the tooth fairy over the shutdown makes me laugh. This is the most productive you nit wits have been since you were elected. I mean lets look at this logically, you are not spending our hard earned money right? Wrong. You have the uninformed really believing your BS. It would appear that Obama found enough money in the tax payers piggy bank to plan his next vacation in Asia at the cost of one hundred million tax payer dollars. Obama you are the only President that spends more time planning vacations than you do on foreign policy. I have to hand it to you "Goddam do you know how to party" You had to hire more security guards to keep the little people out of the National Parks. What did you do with the Grand Canyon fill it in? You went through the expense of hiring extra security, to guard a Goddam hole! Gee Golly Mr. President do you think you could do the same thing at our boarders? Look at all the security you have at the WW2 Memorial to keep those brave men and women out. They are called the "Greatest Generation" These Brave men and women landed at the beaches in Normandy, what makes you think you could have stopped them in Washington! Leave it to the "Greatest Generation" to save us again. These Vets can still kick but! You know come to think of it, I did not hear one word from "Blood and Guts Kerry" over the Memorial outrage. I guess he was "Reporting for Duty" At some hair salon or lunch date. I have to give you credit, you changed your mind. You see, a whole bunch of us were going to Washington next week and we were going to turn the Memorial into the "Second Wounded Knee" If your Mall Cops laid one hand on those Brave men and women. Do you know about "Wounded Knee" Mr. President , I am sure you and that Runt Reed do not. You seem to rewrite History every chance you get, so I am sure it is not in your History Books! You are still wasting our money and your time, the little people are still going into the parks right around your security. Christ ! You have more security guarding an empty an empty hole than you did in Benghazi Libya. Oh Gee Golly Wiz! I am sorry Mr. President, you forgot all about Benghazi Libya. I can assure you Sir, many of us have not!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 08:29:50 +0000

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