The signs of GOOD CONSCIENCE! It is essential to a good - TopicsExpress


The signs of GOOD CONSCIENCE! It is essential to a good conscience that it is persevering. I may perhaps illustrate what I mean under this head by alluding to the will. Some individuals have a great will, a will so resolute and persevering that they never give up any thing they undertake. If their will is set upon any object, they never relinquish it till it is gained! There is something extremely analogous to this in the conscience of some men. Their conscience will never rest till its demands are yielded. It persists in its work until it gains the ascendancy, and the desired change is effected. Now it is vastly desirable that the conscience should have this quality of unyielding perseverance. When the mind becomes conscious of any particular form of sin, the conscience ought to persist in rebuking it until it be thoroughly and forever abandoned. Our conscience will do us no good if it stops short of this. It is essential to a good conscience, that we obey its dictates. It will ultimately be weary of testifying for God if we refuse to hear and obey its voice. When its demands are long resisted and its voice unheeded, it seems to retire as it were into its inner sanctuary--cease to reiterate its unheeded remonstrances, and employ itself only in putting on record for future use all the contempt and abuse it is receiving. Its accounts will one day show that it was not dead nor sleeping. It was silently preparing for the judgment scene, and the eternal state beyond, where its claims shall be reasserted and its grievances be heard.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:48:34 +0000

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