The situation with the NYPD choking a man to death is disturbing. - TopicsExpress


The situation with the NYPD choking a man to death is disturbing. We the people should be outraged at this and demand the President of this country to take action. Our police are still killing innocent Black men. Like I said last week, the whole squad that was on the site should be dealt with by the authorities. They will only get away with it if the people do nothing. He addressed the officer as such. Respected the officer and they still went after him. He told them he couldnt breathe and they still choked him. I dont need a biopsy to tell the story. The video is sufficient evidence and is better evidence than any biopsy. A biopsy will have to do if we didnt have the video and witnesses. And what is up with this we took his gun away nonsense. Like he dont have more guns. You sound as stupid as a police chief that claims just because they caught one guy with a gun and confiscated it that the streets are now safe. As if their access to guns is gone. What are we teaching our communities and the next generation to come when we do what weve done and still have not receive justice? Marching was part of the process but was never the solution. Going to the Reverend to speak on our behalf was part of the process. Humanity has grown. The human race has matured. There is no toleration for this behavior. Zero tolerance. Marching is what they had hoped we wouldnt do because it would stir up the community and require action on their part. Marching did not suggest change. It demanded change it demanded a shift in the justice system. Marching is now what they hope we will do in response to injustice because it no longer has the powerful leadership and impact it once had decades ago. We will film it on our phones. Well post it on Facebook. A mother will cry. A pastor will speak about it and get some airtime. A few churches will come together and pray for an hour or two. A community will be outraged. Money will be made. But nothing that matters will get done. Justice will not be served. A voice that should be heard will not be heard. Because all we did was mouth about it. And marched around it. And got madness about it. We dont need to change laws. The Marching we did decades ago did that. We are now responsible to execute the law to the fullest. Punish the violators. Take their gun away and their freedom. Thats grace. Biblically is eye for an eye. Im this case, he should be put to death. What was the intent? His actions is evidence that by using a method that police officers are not to use shows his intent to kill. Even if it was not his intent. Officers of the law should be held to a Higher standard and when they violate their punishment should be to the highest/extent of the law.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:59:31 +0000

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