The state of Super Consciousness-II 10.01.11 I envisioned - TopicsExpress


The state of Super Consciousness-II 10.01.11 I envisioned Shri Babaji walking with very quick steps and in this way denoting the urgency of his expedition and importance of time’s utility. I was walking next to him and trying to catch up with him on a hilly ground. He looked very happy and enthusiastic that day or else he is somber and serene. He took me to a very beautiful place full of tall, green trees which resembled fir and deodar. The ambiance was of a thin forest with many trees growing on a mountain top. The shade of the trees was cooling and under it was situated a beautiful pond. It had many colorful lotus flowers floating in it. He took me to the divine pond where the atmosphere was saturated with divine purity and serenity and the place resembled and felt like a paradise. Babaji went ahead and plucked one lotus flower, then another, then some more and then many more from the pond one by one. The petals had tiny drops of water on them making them look all the more pure and sacred. The bunch of lotus looked so pretty in his arms and I was cheerful by looking at the lovely bouquet and the image of exuberant Babaji both at one place. Just then, while holding the flowers in his divine arms, Babaji took one white lotus and gave it to me. He looked at me as if waiting for me to express something. I didn’t. After a very short pause, he broke in a spell of mystic laughter and divine joy. He pulled out one purple lotus from his bundle and gave it to me in my hand. I held it in bewilderment and at the same time I was overjoyed at his kind gesture. Without waiting, he now gave me a pink lotus, then a yellow one and a few more one after the other. All the flowers from his arms were in mine by now and in utter amazement I looked at the collection of heavenly lotuses piled up and was absolutely numb because events were occurring at such rapid and unexpected ways. I stood there totally incomprehensible not knowing what to do or say to him. He put up a question to me, “Do you know why I gave you the lotuses?” I hurriedly considered a lotus flower in Buddhism, as an emblem in many spiritual organizations, on books and sacred places but I did not know the present connotation and the co-relation. I did not reply. He had a white lotus in his right hand and with a mysterious smile he said, “White is for purity and peace. Take this.” I now received a white lotus from him. Babaji had a purple lotus in his hand after this. He asked me, “What is purple for?” I had no answer. “Tranquility”, he replied. “Take this.” I received a deep lavender lotus from his sacred hand. After all this, he again asked me, “What is pink for?” I stood quietly and wished not to answer. “Love. Take this lotus also. It is for you.” “What is yellow for?” Now I gathered some courage and answered in humility. “I don’t know Babaji.” He looked pleased and smiled slightly from the corner of his mouth. He said, “Enlightenment, knowledge. Now take this yellow lotus also.” In the next moment, an unanticipated development took place. Babaji burst out laughing loudly like an ecstatic yogi and began to dance throwing his hands up in the air, turned his neck round and round and sang with merriment and ecstasy. He then said, “I have given you peace, love, joy, ananda, tranquility and transcendental knowledge to give to this world. I am spreading these virtues through your web log on the net in modern times in this world. From now onwards, more and more people will read and receive these gifts of God from you. My idea of spreading God’s love and peace is successful, is successful, is successful. Then he circled round and round like an intoxicated saint singing and chanting God’s holy name. He resembled Chaitanya Mahaprabhu singing and chanting God’s holy name while diving in celestial bliss. Understanding by now that it was an auspicious moment granted by God, I did not want to lose the golden opportunity of a very sacred hour. I realized that I would be obliged and my prayers would be surely answered. Therefore I pleaded, “Holy Babaji, I pray to you at this moment and hour, please bless me that I never ever make any mistakes in my present and forthcoming lives. May I always remember God. May my memory of God forever be revitalized and it should never be erased or corrupted. May I always do God’s service, may I always do your work and may I always spread your divine fragrance through your words and teachings.” Babaji smiled at me softly and with overflowing love said very sweetly, “My sweet child, Babaji becomes pleased with devotion, with love, with sacrifice, with service. I am pleased with those devotees who have a keen desire for seeking God and serving Him. I fulfill all such desires. And those people who do not have this desire yet, they should instill purity, devotion and love in their hearts. One day, they will also attain God. Once and for all purify your inner being, inner heart. And after cleaning, forever keep yourself in a pure state so that your future lives are pure, beautiful, worthy and for service of humanity. I love those who love God. Today, who so ever will wish for this desire, I shall grant and fulfill it.”
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:12:52 +0000

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