The streets shouted out tragedy as the police sirens filled them, - TopicsExpress


The streets shouted out tragedy as the police sirens filled them, ambulances joining. Paramedics rushed out of their vehicle, picking up a man’s body onto the stroller, shouting at the crowd to back away. The police started laying crime scene tape, pushing people away from the scene of the horrific mauled bodies. A girl with a deep dark purple hoody, band logo and designed of Paramore, leant against the wall with her hood up, watching the commotion. Her blue eyes glistened as a flash lit them as she walked away, remembering what had happen to the man, another beast descends, she thought to herself. She glanced up, watching a distant bird fly away towards the sun, she sighed as she walked off with her hands in her black jeans pockets. She kept her head down low, avoided anyone’s eyes, following something, following a scent only she could smell. Her eyes flashed up, her mouth barring her teeth, her feet taking off. She sprinted off, bumping into the people on the crowded pathway, growling louder as she grew frustrated. “Move” she spat at people, getting dirty looks and death glares which didn’t bother her at the present time. She tried to look over the crowd, seeing a figure also pushing through, trying to make an escape. The figure grunted, knocking over an elderly woman, snarling at her reviling long sharp wolf like fans, fur beginning to grow out of his skin. The woman screamed, making the crowd look her way for a split second like they cared only to return to what they were doing. The girl finally broke through the crowd, scanning the street for the figure she lost, growling at her defeat. Her eyes cached a girl staring her way, with blonde long locks. She squinted at the blonde, feeling like she knew her from somewhere. A howl distracted her from her thoughts, both their eyes shot over to a church. A wolf like beast sat on top of its bell tower in a crouched position, glaring at the raven black hair girl. She quickly sprinted off; leaving the other girl behind, observing what was going to happen. The girl entered the church in the middle of a ceremony, jumping along the seats with inhuman like balance, startling people. She leaped off, landing in a crouched position, sprinting up the bell tower, hurdling over onto the roof top. The wolf like beast snarled, arching its back defensively as it glared at her. She stood in a fight stance slowly turning into something no human could explain. Her skin began to grow fur and scales, her bones cracking out of place. A wolf like tail grew out of her tail bone, scaly patches randomly place over her bear like structure. She roared like a lion, staring down the other beast. They collided, swiping and snapping at each other like wild dogs in a fight. She tightened her grip around the other beast neck, slowly building enough strength. She quickly snapped its neck, it yelp loud and long, echoing the suburb street. She slowly shifted back, letting out yelps at the pain of her bone reconnecting. Her breathing was unsteady and heavy, her clothes stretched ripped and bloody. The breeze brush past her, soothing her skin which felt like it was on fire. The girl leaped off the roof, landing perfectly at a height any human would die from. She put her hood on, tucking her hands into her pockets again, and walking away knowing what would happen to the beast body. It slowly shriveled up turning into glittery dust, leaving no evidence of the fight and its presence. She returned her gaze back to the sky, smiling as they formed into a bird, flying away searching for another purpose. She soon returned into the crowd, standing out with her appearance. She turned off the street into an apartment quarters, her feet dragging along the ground as she felt the affects on her body growing tired and sore. She sat in the bath cringing at the open wounds from the fight as they touched the hot water, relaxing in the tub in her apartment, closing her eyes humming a rhyme she somehow knew. Her thoughts pondered on the day’s events, on her distant memories from childhood she could not remember. The girl let out a heavy sigh, wondering if should ever know her past she had forgotten so easily, ever know why she can’t remember. Her thoughts paused back to the girl she saw who stared her in awe. Her giggles filled the bathroom as she sank deeper into the water sighing, feeling her body un-tensing slowly, every muscle relaxing, her breaths deep and slow. The girl fell asleep in the water, being startled awake by a text message. She grumbled to herself, getting out and dress for bed, checking her phone, biting her lip concentrating. She sent a text message back to the contact, sliding into bed closing her eyes drifting to a deep sleep. -alex, so a older pieces but a refresher on how to write in third person seeming i perfer first
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:11:25 +0000

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