The sun is high above, warming her skin yet not burning hot like - TopicsExpress


The sun is high above, warming her skin yet not burning hot like in high summer. She stretches out, curling her bare toes in the cooler sand just under the surface, arching her back as she reaches outward with her hands, palms up to the sun. Her left hand bumps into his cool skin and she smiles as she turns her head and looks at her beloved Vlad, sleeping beside her. She still marvels at how hansom he is with his pale skin and dark hair. She turns her body as she rolls onto her side to watch him sleep. He still has no need to breath but he sleeps when she sleeps to make her feel more comfortable and to hold her while she sleeps. Her fingers move a lock of his dark tresses off his cheek, smiling at the white tips that she still finds intriguing after all these years. His image shimmers slightly as she watches and out of nowhere she hears that strange whisper again. “Lady? Where are you? Where is MY Lady?” It is very faint, almost as if it were caught on a breeze from somewhere far away. She sits up slowly and looks around the deserted beach, the waves gently lapping at the sand only thirty yards away, while the few trees behind them sway only slightly. She looks up and sees only a few small thin clouds slowly making their way across the sky. “Lady….?” She turns to look at Vlad, but he has not moved, he is still laying on his stomach, cheek on folded arms, eyes closed. Feeling a little unsettled now she begins to doubt her sanity yet again. Perhaps living all these years alone has made her truly insane and she will never be normal again. She stands up and moves closer to the water, letting the small waves lap against her toes, sending a jolt through her system and making her breath suck in sharply at the cold sensation. The shock of the cold water to her system was always a good way to wake her up from her dark moods. She reaches out with her mind to find Neoni, “Neoni, what has been happening in the world? Is there any change with Vlad and the crypt?” she waited quietly for her friends voice to come to her. Neoni finally responds after a long pause. “No, nothing new in the world these days. The Crypt is still locked up tight and your husband is still safe within.” Was that a lie? Why did it not feel right? Why would Neoni have anything to lie about to her of all people? It must be her unease causing trouble where there is none. “Neoni, is everything alright out there with you?” Neoni could sense Lady’s probing to see what she was feeling and quickly clamped down on her own worry about the newest developments in the crypt. “Yes, everything is fine out here.” Trying to keep her tone and feeling light and carefree. Lady shrugged and moved back to her beloved, laying down beside him once more, she slowly smiles and leans in to kiss his cheek. Just as her lips touch his skin, her body is thrown back slightly and she finds herself pinned down , wrists over her head, and Vlad sitting astride her hips, leaning down and looking at her with his eyes red with hunger, his fangs beginning to slip down slowly from between his lips as he moves closer to the side of her head, “Well, good morning Wife. I think it’s time for breakfast.” He moves lightening fast as her world spins out of control and she arches into his kiss.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:22:25 +0000

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