The test Class 4beta arrived at Madame Blanc’s room for their - TopicsExpress


The test Class 4beta arrived at Madame Blanc’s room for their next French lesson. There was a mad scramble for desks and Lisa & Karen managed to get next to each other with Janice & Liz in the row behind. Once everyone was seated there was the usual noise of excited girl chatter until M. Blanc entered. ‘You will all be quiet.’ She said in her clear French accent. The class settled down and M Blanc announced that there would be a test on the last homework that she had set. Lisa looked nervously at Karen. She was not good at languages and knew she was in for a torrid time. Karen on the other hand was better than average and felt reasonably confident of getting a good mark. ‘Open your exercise books. I shall read out twenty questions. For each answer you get wrong it will be one stroke of the cane.’ She announced, standing behind her desk, resting on her hands and peering intently round the room. There were quite a few anxious faces to be seen and some awkward shuffling of bottoms on chairs. Lisa immediately started to panic. She took out her exercise book and pen along with the rest of the class and found her hand shaking. Karen kicked her under desk and slid her exercise book to where Lisa could read her answers. Lisa breathed a sigh of relief although she knew she would have to be very careful. Unbeknown to Lisa and Karen the same thing was going on behind between Liz & Janice. The test got under way with M. Blanc patrolling up and down between the rows of desks and reading the questions from a sheet of paper. All was going well; Lisa at least did know some of the answers and those she didn’t know she copied from Karen. About half way through M. Blanc suddenly darted across the room in Lisa’s direction. Oh no, she thought, she’s seen me looking. M Blanc reached Lisa’s desk but went straight past. ‘You two.’ She screamed. ‘You are cheating.’ She reached over, snatched up their books, tore out the answer page and flung the books back onto the desks. ‘Get out of my classroom.’ She yelled. Liz and Janice got up and made their way to the door and went outside. There was a stunned silence from the rest of the class; no one dared move a muscle. Lisa held her breath; so far she had got away with it. ‘Concentrate all of you, the test will continue.’ Announced M. Blanc. During the rest of the test Lisa didn’t dare look away. She knew she would get some wrong answers but a few whacks on the hand was preferable to what was likely to happen to Liz & Janice. Both Lisa and Karen kept thinking about the two girls stewing outside in the corridor. Finally the test ended, M. Blanc collected in the books and set the girls some work while she did the marking noted who had got wrong answers. When she had finished she instructed a girl at the front to give out the books while she took the cane from its hook beside the blackboard. Lisa’s heart beat fast as she waited for her book to be returned. Karen got hers first. 19/20. Karen gave Lisa a smile. Lisa then got hers, 18/20. What a relief. Nobody liked getting the cane but two whacks was bearable. When all the books had been distributed M. Blanc called out the first girl and instructed her to hold out her hand. Two swipes. The girl winced and wrung her hand as she made her way to her desk. Each girl was then called out in turn. The number of strokes varied from one to four with varying reactions from the girls. Some took it with turning a hair, others made a fuss and one girl actually cried. Then came Lisa’s turn. She got up and walked to the front determined to show as little emotion as possible. She put out her hand and held her breath. Down came the cane and did it hurt, but she managed to control her reaction. The second required all her determination to remain impassive as it caught her right across the fingertips. Her ordeal was over and she returned to her desk hand under her armpit giving Karen a wide grin as she sat down. After two more girls Karen was called out. Lisa sat and watched, nursing her throbbing hand. Like Lisa Karen bravely took her punishment and sat down. Three more girls went out and M. Blanc placed the cane on her desk. It was now obvious to all that the two girls outside were to be caned. Some wondered if they would be sent to their housemistress but the fact that the cane remained on the desk was a sure sign that M. Blanc would be carrying out the deed. In fact there was little time left for anything else and the bell went for the end of the lesson. After being dismissed the girls filed out and M Blanc called Liz and Janice in and shut the door. Very few of the class left as they all wanted to hear what was going on inside. All that could be heard were muffled voices. ‘Wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.’ Muttered Lisa. ‘Me neither.’ Replied Karen. ‘Mrs Walsh and Mrs Davies seem like pussy cats compared to teachers in this place.’ ‘You’re right. Said Lisa looking at the red stripes across her hand. ‘I’d take a slippering from Miss Woods any day compared to this.’ ‘Wish we could go back to our old school, I really miss it.’ Replied Karen wistfully. ‘Great days weren’t they.’ Replied Lisa. ‘Perhaps we could do something terrible and get sent back there?’ ‘No chance of that.’ Said Karen gloomily. Suddenly there was a faint swishing sound from inside the room followed by the sound of cane on knickers and a loud yelp. ‘Yikes.’ Exclaimed one of the girls, they’re getting it on the bum.’ ‘Ssshhh’ said another. The crowd of girls fell silent and listened intently. Another swish followed by a thwack and a yell. Whoever it was getting it was getting a real walloping and would have real difficulty sitting down for a while. In fact the girl suffering on the other side of the door was Janice. She was bent over a chair, skirt and slip pulled up exposing her maroon knickers. M. Blanc drew the cane back over her shoulder and whipped it down over Janice’s bottom. Thwwaacckk!! ‘Ooooooowww’ she yelled, accompanied by a stamping of feet. The same procedure followed and a similar reaction. M. Blanc lowered the cane. ‘Now go and don’t let me catch you cheating again otherwise you will go straight to the head.’ Janice wasted no time in getting up and walked awkwardly to the door. Outside the expectant crowd moved back to let a very tearful girl emerge. She made her way through and stood leaning against the wall and cried. Lisa made her way over and put her arm round her shoulder to comfort her and gave her a handkerchief. Meanwhile back inside it was Liz’s turn. She had been standing facing the blackboard with hands on head and getting herself into a real state. As she bent over the chair her stomach was churning and heart beating at twice its normal speed. The sounds behind her hadn’t exactly done much for her nerves. Her sweating hands gripped the chair as she waited for the swish. It soon came and the sting was excruciating. Her instinct was to jump up and grab her bottom but somehow she managed to remain in place. Instead she gripped the chair for all she was worth, bit her lip and shut her eyes. Outside ears were straining to catch the sounds. Why is it that everyone wanted to listen to someone really suffering? The crowd outside were the last thing on Liz’s mind as the cane slashed across her bottom for the second time. This time Liz was unable to remain quiet and let out a shriek of pain. Half way she thought trying to offer herself some comfort. The next two strokes were every bit as painful as the first two and like Janice Liz made plenty of noise. At last her torture was at an end and like Janice she made an awkward exit from the room. M Blanc returned the cane to its hook and made her exit from the room. ‘Go away you girls. There is nothing for you here.’ She said as she found the gaggle of girls round a very tearful Liz and Janice. The girls shuffled away, Lisa with her arm still round Janice’s shoulder and Karen taking care of Liz. Since arriving at the school the four girls had become friends, especially in adversity. Once Liz and Janice had regained their composure it was off to the changing room to show off the marks on their bottoms.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 06:40:24 +0000

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