What a great Sunday... I had to work so I really wouldnt know, but - TopicsExpress


What a great Sunday... I had to work so I really wouldnt know, but if your Sunday was great... Then Im right on the money. And if not... Heres a new Week Ten to help ya cope. Enjoy. 10. I love unwritten rules that most seem to follow. My favorite is the flashing lights at truckers to let them know its safe to get over. When they finally get in the right lane they wink their lights as if to say thankye good buddy... 9. Larry is my favorite character from the movie Meatballs. Hes genuinely happy throughout the whole movie despite the fact that the female CITs want nothing to do with him. He gets so excited and giddy for his friend Spaz because he scores with Jackie. Just always glad to see everyone happy. Yeah I want Larrys attitude. 8. I too would like to take a break from Facebook and social media in general. I would like too, however, I really enjoy other peoples drama and opinions when Im bored. Some of the things you guys post... Wow who needs cable. 7. Real life sucks sometimes, but your worst day is still better than that damn dream where youre back in high school. You know... The one where youre late for class, didnt study for the final, lost your class schedule, etc... 6. Even in retail no means no. You can ask the same question in different formats all you want...but if I cant do what you want, my answer is still no. It reminds me of the old definition of insane: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Ha, insane customers. 5. When driving on the hwy, its easy for me to develop road rage. Whether people are going 10mph under the posted limit or casually driving in the left lane... Its frustrating. If youre afraid of your car or the hwy... Stay home or get a ride. And if youre an ass and not using the left lane correctly... Get over! Geez. 4. I work at Twilight Gardens on my off days from the firehouse. TG is the most confusing place in the world for customers. From the parking to which gate to go through, from paint to prices, and from height to holes not working. If I have to explain one more damn time...what paint is...Im thinkin I might explode. 3. So an ATM stole my debit card. Not really a huge deal, I just cancel it, order a new one and move on. But it just so happens that its Labor Day weekend, so no one is answering the phone... Needless to say, I have to write checks until my new card arrives. Note to self.. Dont write anymore checks at Wal Mart. 2. If youd like to know when its gonna rain, just ask me. Sure as hell rains every time I take the top off the jeep. If ya want sunny, Ill just put the top back on. Its a fun game I like to play with Mother Nature. 1. I hate writers block. I have bits and pieces of poems, one and two lines of songs scattered about my notebooks. Nothing finished, nothing makes sense. Sigh... Is this some kind of sign of shit to come? Or should I just force myself to not lose interest in writing one thing at a time? Or both?...or neither...or either...or....ham&cheese? Thats all for now, hit me up next week for I think I might have solved the mystery of the space time continuum...
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 01:00:43 +0000

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