“The thoughts of Allah change not; the manifests of life on - TopicsExpress


“The thoughts of Allah change not; the manifests of life on every plane unfold into perfection of their kind; and as the thought of Allah can never die, there is no death to any being of the seven ethers of the seven Spirits of the Triune Allah.” -Moorish Holy Koran (Chapter 11:37) Before creation was, The Eternal Love dwelled with the Divine Mother and the Divine Father in the infinite infinities of all that was, is and is ever to be. The Eternal Love is son, the only begotten son of the union of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, Aima and Abba, Force and Thought. Without the Eternal Love there is no Light. Through Eternal Love, all life is manifest, and so, through the Eternal Love all things are done, and no-thing is done in the formulating of worlds or the peopling of worlds without the Eternal Love. The Eternal Love is the Logos of infinities and through the word alone are Thought and Force made manifest. The Eternal Love is called the “Kristos,” “ho Christos,” “Meshiah,” or “Messiah,” because the Son, the Eternal Love, is set apart and ordained to be Creator, Preserver and Redeemer of all things, of everything that was, is or evermore to be. Through the Eternal Love, the protoplast, the planet, the plants, the animals, the terrestrial and the ultraterrestial took up their stations on their planes of existence. Through the Eternal Love, they are preserved; and if they fall, it is through the Eternal Love that lifts them up; and if they sell themselves to disharmony, which Man called sin, the Eternal Love will redeem. From the great universal heart of the great Triad, unnumbered spirit entities are sent forth to illustrate the height, the depth, the width, and boundlessness of the Love Triune. To every world; Sun, Moon and Star, a master spirit of this divine Love is sent; and all are fully anointed with the spirit oil of selflessness which manifest Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and all will be a “Messiah.” From the boundless grace of the Eternal Love, Man was formed to be the Lord of Asia and the Eternal Love proclaimed; The Anointed. And the Divine Triune granted Man lordship of the Earth Plane, called Asia (Assiah); that he may find the Logos, the Circle and the number Seven within himself to rule by and in Love. But the men of the Earth Plane have grown cruel and have abandoned their power to rule by Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice and all of the things that Man has lordship over has grown dissatisfied with Man; that he has lost his heritage; but the Eternal Love is ever present for those who Ask, Seek, and Knock. Man has lost his divine consciousness and has failed to follow his higher self which breeds Justice, Mercy, Love and Right; he no longer comprehends the boundlessness of Love; he sees nothing but the ego of self and the things of illusion; however, the Messiah Seed is ever present in all who seek that which was lost. All glorious is the majesty of the Eternal Love who spreads the pure white spirit robe, called Aura, over all planes of Earth. In the course of Earth time, the Plane of Manifest and its inhabitants sold their birthrights into disharmony; however, the Eternal Love remains ever present to recalibrate the Asiatic creations back into the divine harmonic of Islam: The Greatest Harmony. Hidden within the Sanctum Sanctorum of all infinities, is locked the records that bear the blueprint of the Divine Triune and it is here we shall recollect: “The Greatest of things and no-things of existence is Perfection. Perfect is the seed in its embryonic state, and its destiny is to unfold and grow: Modus Operandi Absolutus Basis. Into the spirit soil of every plane these seeds, which are the thoughts of Allah, are cast; the seeds of the things from the realms of Lahuwt, Malakuwt, and Nasuwt. As the entities from these realms sow the seeds, it is through the Eternal Love, that ordains the seeds to grow and return; and by the efforts of unnumbered years and soul cycles, to the Universal Grand Lodge of thought will be a perfection of it’s own signature vibration. “I am that I will be, for I am beyond being, but forever becoming” When the Eternal Love is manifest through an illumined host in the plane of Assiah, it will liberate the timeless spirit self that has been conditioned by lower consciousness vibrations and confined to the fallen corporeal self that lies intoxicated with illusion (Maya). As each age unfolds, there becomes a need for redemption (recalibration). The Eternal Love then restores, not for the salvation of material man, but for the realization of the eternal and divine consciousness that dwells within Man. As Man develops the desire for light and the ability to truly comprehend it as well, the Eternal Love then actively permeates the higher faculties to remain close to Man in all the ways of life; for the Eternal Love always manifests on the Earth Plane for human eyes, taking abode in divine hosts to teach the lost men of Asia (Assiah) to learn to love whom they see, so the may comprehend that which they do not see. Thus the Eternal Love made manifest its power, to redeem; but because Man struggles with the intoxication of illusion, the Eternal Love shall manifest in disciplined and selfless men and women who exercise the principles of Love, Truth, Peace Freedom and Justice. Again and again they shall pass through the houses of the Divine’s great mansion. And ever since the spirit man took on the coats of flesh, the messiah seed has been present and has manifest in form during each age to return that which was lost. -Zothyrius Ali El Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science Moorish Science: The Vehicle to Universal Balance and a Higher Reality of Enlightenment 4 05 2013 “If you would ask me what to study, I would say, yourselves; and when you well have studied them; and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, yourselves. He who knows well his lower self, knows the illusions of the world, knows of the things that pass away; and he who knows his higher self, know Allah; knows well the things that cannot pass away. Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self.” – Moorish Holy Koran 3:14-16 Islam is the vehicle by which Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice is administered to humanity for the purpose of eradicating negativity, low thought vibrations and everything that harms. This divine system of progress oriented principles encourages order, righteousness and balance by which all standards are to be measured. In the Egyptian system of mystic philosophy, this system is symbolically identified by Maat and Tehuti. Within the Egyptian initiation system, spiritualized education, the principle of Maat represents truth and righteousness while Tehuti represents right reasoning and is demonstrated by the rationality that is based on truth which is extracted from the knowledge of the inner self. In the ancient Egyptian text, the Pert Em Heru, evidence of the pure science of Islam is termed the “purification of the Heart.” Further investigation of the Egyptian system and the Science of Islam reveals similarities regarding the Egyptian angelic recorders, Shai and Rennenet, and the karmic director Meskhenet and the two Quranic angelic recorders and the sentinel which are known together as the honorable recorders or the Kiraman Katibin (Surah 50:17-18). The science of Islam and the philosophy of Maat are one and the same when viewed as a profound teaching which encompasses the entire fabric of creation as well as a highly effective system of spiritual discipline that provide the criteria for divine governance of the human kingdom. Islam, when understood as the Universal system of right thought and right action, is the orderly flow of energy which maintains the balance of the Universe. Also, Islam is the regularity which governs the planetary networks and solar systems as well as the cycles of nature and the cellular functions in the Asiatic creations of this plane of being. Moorish Science, the primordial essence of Islam, is the natural process that maintains the flow of creation wherein there is a constant movement and balancing of the universal principles of governance. In understanding the purest form of Moorish Science and Islam, the adept must look beyond the mundane levels of ritual worship and the religious zealot’s reactionary behavior regarding God and man’s judgmental and distorted interpretation of what is divine and just. If one were to maintain the ideals of mundane thinking and understanding, in the course of everyday life, those unwilling to look beyond the illusions of life will continue to view nature and the Universe as a chaotic conglomeration of forces that are (supposedly) unpredictable and random in nature. However, through a deep reflection on the universal principles of Moorish Science (Islam), the study, reflection and discernment of the greater realms will warrant spiritual maturity that will allow the adept to realize that there is indeed an order to the divine plan of Allah in unfoldment despite its chaotic appearance. This implies that there is a deeper understanding of the Cosmic order and with practice of the living harmony in Islam, the old time religion, with the greater order of the Microcosm, the adept will be lead to a far greater level of mental and spiritual peace (Salaam), balance and harmony. It is this peace and this balance that allows the ocean of the mind to become a clear mirror in which spirit-man is able to realize his/her oneness (ahadiyya) with Allah. Moorish Science teaches that Islam is the personification of balance, righteousness, love, truth, peace, freedom and justice upon which Allah created the Universe. It is also understood that Islam is the essence of Allah and Allah is every thing and every unknown thing. Like the deeper aspects of Sufism regarding the essence of the heart, Maat of the Egyptian mystic education system is the judge of the heart and determines the actions of the heart to see whether the Asiatic creation has lived in accordance with Maat (Islam): love, truth, peace, freedom, justice, uprightness and in harmony with the natural creations of Allah. With an intense study, reflection and demonstration of Islam (Maat), the adept learns a way out of the illusions of sorrow, fear and pain and is lead to the path of self discovery and the source of supreme peace. However, if one chooses to act upon their own will instead of submitting to the will of Allah, then they subject themselves to be in contradiction with Islam (Maat). This level of contradiction indicates that the Asiatic creation has created contradiction within themselves, thus creating the breeding ground for negativity and self defeating impressions that lodge themselves in heart. The harboring of negative impressions in the heart creates agitation within the emotional, mental, astral and physical bodies of man which create states of hell for the Asiatic creation. ” Allah never made a heaven for man; He never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own. Now cease to seek for heaven in the sky; just open up the windows of the hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy; then toil will be no cruel task.” – Moorish Holy Koran 12:9-10 However, living life according the divine principles allows the adept of Islam to retain the presence of mind during the transition of the illusion of death which will allow the spiritualized adept to not fall into the lower states of delusion and ignorance. The spiritual education system of Moorish Science, the old time religion (Islam), initially may appear like some foreign religion, but as stated in the Holy Quran, it is the primordial spiritual system of upright since the inception of the physical plane. The Holy Koran Surah 30:30 “So turn your face and purpose toward the primordial religion of the upright (hanif) – the original nature in which the one creaeted all humanity. Let there be no change in this ancient, self-sustaining religion, created by the Only Being, which is the standard (qayyim) of all religions. But most among human do not understand.” – translation by Neil Douglas-Klotz author of “The Hidden Gospel” This is the ancient system utilized by the great master Enoch (Idris) who achieved the height of wisdom and understanding in flesh: Ascension. Acting in accordance with the principles of Islam, the adept will be prepared to transcend the egoistic illusions of the brain and thereby free him/her self from the mental bondage that ties one to the illusory urges in the lower realms of time and space. In understanding the pure principles of Islam (Maat), one begins to learn how Islam works as the underlying order and truth behind the appearance of chaos and disorder in the phenomenal world. In doing this, the adept attunes his/her mind to the greater aspects of the divine mind of the inner most Self which exists at the transcendental levels being. Through the active practice of Moorish Science, Islam – the primordial system of spiritual evolution, studying the teachings, reflecting upon the teachings and meditating upon the teachings, it is possible to consciously discover the transcendental state that is beyond the mundane states of consciousness. When there is enlightenment in the inner most regions of the heart, the higher states of conscious evolution overpowers all of the lower states and quickens the resurrection of the soul-self into the greater awareness of the infinite spirit of Allah. This unveiling of the mysteries leads to the mastery and understanding of Egyptian allegory of Heru (Higher self) and Set (Lower self) sharing one body with two heads, one of Heru and the other of Set. The union of Heru and Set is most important as it symbolizes the uniting and balancing of the Higher and Lower self within the Asiatic creation. This indicates that the adept has achieved inner harmony and peace with him/her self and the Universe. This is the act of Islam in Man. The utlimate and absolute is discovered to be the true and pure identity, and the physical consciousness is dissolved in the great and infinite ocean of Allah. (To purchase the books, click the cover or go to moorsgate/online-store/.) - Zothyrius Ali El Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science The Universal Principles That Nourish the Divine Seed in Man: The Synchronicity of Truth 16 03 2013 The divine teachings of Noble Drew Ali encouraged the apprentice and pure seeker of self-mastery to embrace the universal truths that create balance and unity between man and his environment. These natural aspects of infinite wisdom, provided by adept visionaries, sages and prophets, exist as evolutionary guidelines to resolve conflicts and differences for the purpose of spirit evolution and the achievement of the “Oneness of ALLAH.” One of the Moorish keys to knowledge, left in code by Noble Drew Ali, was his statement, “we honor all of the true and divine Prophets: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Confucius.” This statement pointed out the similar aims and mission of the pure and fundamental teachings of the ancient wisdom which encouraged and emphasized a higher consciousness development in Man. The spiritual goal of each divine messenger is the active expression of peace and harmony. This expression, however, is first manifested within one’s self, and then released into the social area of the human existence. This article will display the similarities and teachings of oneness that exist between the true and divine prophets as pointed out by Noble Drew Ali. As previously stated, the keys to understanding are encoded in the ancient and mystic teachings of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Confucius. Within the sacred sayings and text of these true and divine prophets are the essential elements, themes and methods for spirit progression and mastery. The following passages will display the divine truths that are shared between the four spiritual systems presented by the four teachers that were highlighted by Noble Drew Ali. It is important to demonstrate the universal aspects of these spiritual systems and how the revealed teachings of Noble Drew Ali were in accord with these teachings and not some “hodgepodge” collection of irrational religious ideals. With a complete study of Moorish Science, the “Oneness” of being and the “Oneness” of principle is revealed and engrained within the psyche of the apprentice of self-mastery. Read and compare the teachings of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Confucius and encourage your inner being to develop a pattern for seeing the “Oneness” of the ancient wisdom teachings, for the source of all is “One” in nature despite man’s comprehension level, or lack of, regarding the infinite existence of ALLAH. Each principle will express a teaching or saying from the respective spiritual systems that represent Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Confucius; therefore, the principles will be categorized as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Also, the universal wisdom from the Moorish Holy Koran is used to display the universality of the teachings of Noble Drew Ali. As stated in the Moorish Holy Koran, “truth is the only thing that changes not.’ The Universal Principles of “Oneness’ Regarding the expression of peace and universal goodwill Christianity – “Do unto others as you have them do unto you, for this is the law of the prophets.’ Islam – “Do unto all men as you would they should unto you, and reject for others what you would reject for yourself.’ Buddhism – “Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.’ Confucianism – “Tzu Kung asked: “Is there any one principle upon which one’s whole life may proceed?” Confucius replied: “Is not reciprocity such a principle? – what you do not yourself desire, do not put before others.’ Moorish Science – “They will not do to other men what they would not have other men do unto them.’ Regarding the love for others (neighbors) Christianity – “Honor your father and mother, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Islam – No one is a believer until he loves his neighbor, and for his brother, what he loves for himself.’ Buddhism – “Full of love for all things in the world, practicing virtue in order to benefit others, this man alone is happy.’ Confucianism – “Seek to be in harmony with all your neighbors; live in amity with your brethren.’ Moorish Science – “It is the duty, therefore, to be a friend to mankind, as it is thy interest that man should be friendly to thee.’ Regarding the love of virtuous works Christianity – “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.’ Islam – “A man asked the Prophet what was the mark whereby a man might know the reality of his faith. He said, ‘If thou derive pleasure from the good which thou hast done, and be grieved for the evil which thou hast committed, thou art a true believer.’ Buddhism – “The virtuous man delights and rejoices when he sees the good results of his own work.’ Confucianism – “Better than the one who knows what is right is he who loves what is right.’ Moorish Science – “As the branches of a tree return their sap to the root, from whence it arose; as a river poureth its streams to the sea, whence the spring was supplied; so the heart of a grateful man delighteth in returning a benefit receiveth.’ Regarding the creation of one’s own destiny Christianity – “He shall reward every man according to his own work.’ Islam – “Whatever of misfortune falls on one, of one’s own doings it is the result. The atom’s weight of good that you have done, that you shall see come back to you again.’ Buddhism – “The pure and impure stand and fall by their own deeds.’ Confucianism – “Calamity and happiness are in all cases men’s own making.’ Moorish Science – “ALLAH never made a heaven for man; He never made a hell; we are creators and make our own.’ Regarding the basis of knowledge being the key to success Christianity – “Let all things be done decently and in order.’ Islam – “With knowledge man rises to the heights of goodness and a noble position, associates with the sovereigns of this world, and attains the perfection of happiness in the next world.’ Buddhism – “Knowledge crowns endeavor with success.’ Confucianism – “Men of superior mind busy themselves first with getting at the root of things; when they succeed, the right course is open to them.’ Moorish Science – “But the wise man cultivates his mind with knowledge; the improvement of the arts is his delight, and their utility to the public crowneth with honor.’ Regarding the blessing of charity Christianity – “Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.’ Islam – “The Prophet said: “Give in charity and do not withhold it, otherwise ALLAH will withhold it back from you.’ Buddhism – “As a full jar overflowing pours out the liquid and keeps back nothing, even so shall your charity be without reserve as a jar overturned.’ Confucianism – “Charity belongs to the most honorable nobility of Heaven, and is the quiet home where man should dwell.’ Moorish Science – “Happy is the man who hath sown in his breast the seeds of benevolence; the produce thereof shall be charity and love.’ Regarding the honor of the elderly Christianity – “Rebuke not an elder, but treat him as a father.’ Islam – “To honor an old man is to show respect for ALLAH.’ Buddhism – “he who greets and constantly reveres the aged, four things will increase to him; life, beauty, happiness and power.’ Confucianism – “Treat with reverence due to age the elders in your own family.’ Moorish Science – “Go to the desert, my son; observe the young stork of the wilderness; let him speak to thy heart; he beareth on his wings his aged sire, he lodgeth him in safety, and supplieth him with food’.Forget not thy helpless infancy, nor the forwardness of they youth, and indulge the infirmities of thy aged parents, assist and support them in the decline of life.’ Regarding speaking the truth Christianity – “Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.’ Islam – “Do not clothe the truth with falsehood; do not knowingly conceal the truth.’ Buddhism – “Say what is true! Do thy duty. Do not swerve from the truth.’ Confucianism – “Sincerity is the way of heaven, and to think how to be sincere is the way of man. Never was there one possessed of complete sincerity who did not move others. Never was there one without sincerity who was able to move others.’ Moorish Science – “Hath he endowed the with wisdom? Hath he enlightened thy mind with the knowledge of truth? Communicate it to the ignorant, for their instruction; communicate it the wise, for thine own improvement.’ Regarding the honor of thy father and thy mother Christianity – “For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother.’ Islam – “Serve and revere your parents. Heaven is spread beneath the feet of mothers everywhere.’ Buddhism – “To support Father and Mother, To cherish Wife and Child, To follow a peaceful calling, This is the greatest blessing.’ Confucianism – “If each man would love his parents and show due respect to his elders, the whole empire would enjoy tranquility.’ Moorish Science – “The covenant of the great God-ALLAH: Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord they God, ALLAH hath given thee!’ Regarding truth being universal Christianity – “All scriptures is inspired by God, and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.’ Islam – “We believe in ALLAH, and that which hath been sent down to us, and that which hath been sent down to Abraham’and that which hath been given to Moses and to Jesus, and that which was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any them: and to ALLAH are we resigned.’ Buddhism – “Do not decry other sects, do not deprecate others, but rather honor whatever in them is worth of honor.’ Confucianism – “Truth does not depart from human nature, If what is regarded as truth departs from human nature, it may not be regarded as truth.’ Moorish Science – “Truth is the only thing that changes not. In all the world there are two things: the one is truth, the other is falsehood.’ This display of infinite wisdom demonstrates the connectedness humanity has regarding a truth that remains durable, despite man’s attempt to divide and separate the ancient knowledge of “Oneness.” It should now be understood that the common link in man transcends the narrow boundaries of exoteric and mundane religion. The “old time religion” as expressed by Noble Drew Ali represents the nucleus in the web of destiny. Despite man’s attempt to confine that which he truly does not comprehend, Moorish Science shall remain an ever unfolding truth for those prepared for higher consciousness evolution. To conclude this article, the following text from the Moorish Holy Koran shall provide as validation regarding the constantly evolving psyche of man and how the infinite truth of ALLAH ever reveals itself to the blossoming being of spiritual evolution. Remember’.man is doomed to perfection! Moorish Holy Koran 10:13-25 13. All people worship Allah, the One; but all the people see Him not alike. 14. This universal Allah is wisdom, will and love. 15. All men see not the Triune Allah. One sees Him as Allah of might; another as Allah of thought; another as Allah of love. 16. A man’s ideal is his God, and so, as man unfolds, his God unfolds. Man’s God today, tomorrow is not God. 17. The nations of the earth see Allah from different points of view, and so He does not seem the same to every one. 18. Man names the part of Allah he sees, and this to him is all of Allah; and every nation sees a part of Allah, and every nation has a name for Allah. 19. You Brahmans call Him Parabrahm; in Egypt he is Thoth; and Zeus is His name in Greece, Jehovah is His Hebrew name; but everywhere He is the causeless cause, the rootless root from which all things have grown. 20. When men are afraid of Allah and take Him for a foe, they dress up other men in fancy garbs and call them priests. 21. And charge them to restrain the wrath of Allah by prayers and when they fail to win His favour by their prayers, to buy Him off with sacrifice of animals or birds. 22. When man sees Allah as one with him, as Father Allah, he needs no middle man, no priest to intercede. 23. He goes straight up to Him and says, ‘My Father God, Allah!’ and then he lays his hand in Allah’s own hand, and all is well. 24. And this is Allah. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of blood Allah does not want. 25. Just give your life in sacrificial service to all of life, and Allah is pleased.” (To purchase the books, click the cover.) -Grand Sheik: Zothyrius Ali El Thanks for visiting moorsgate/ and supporting the works of Zothyrius Ali El Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science The Final Goal: The Return to the Transcendental Essence of the Origin (Allah) 28 01 2012 “He has created the heavens and the Earth in just proportion, and has given you shape, and made your shapes beautiful: and to Him is the Final Goal.” The Holy Quran (Surah 64:5) All things return to Allah as their soul self originates in Allah; therefore, everything in and of the plane of manifestation, Assiah, is destined to return to Allah. To achieve this goal, the greatest of goals, the adept must journey to the depths of self-knowledge to actualize the gnosis that act as an elixir to transmute the soul of Man into a mirror reflecting the greater Cosmos and then further onward to reflect the greatest of mysteries: Allah. As long as spirit-man resides within the murky and gross vibrations of the physical body, it constantly strives to increase its connection with the divine essence. Little by little the spirit-man becomes stronger and more intense in its reality of being and further upward on its path back to its origin. Within the blueprint of spirit-man, it is hardwired, the destination and coordinates to its source of origin and it ultimate path for return. Allah created the Asiatic creations soul as an image of His pure and divine essence. As there are attributes of the above, so there are attributes of the below as the Asiatic creations were given the attributes of power, knowledge and life. However, as spirit-man derives his/her power from the root of Malakuwt, he/she must journey toward the path of ascendancy and to the throne of power as the Asiatic creations currently dwell within the levels of descent, and has intermediaries, angelic forces (Allahuma), between them and their supreme author: Allah. Throughout the spiritual evolutionary phases of the Asiatic creations, the spirit-man ascends, in consciousness, from one form to another, ever ascending toward perfection in degrees. The following description may initially appear to be in conflict with Chapter 11 of the Moorish Holy Koran, but after careful study and reflection, its message “is” in accordance with both Chapter 1 and Chapter 11 of the Koran of the Moorish Science Temple. In the beginning stages of Asiatic configuration, the spirit-man begins its soul consciousness embodiment phases by traveling through the consciousness realms of the elementals, then from them to the mineral and vegetal, then from them to the animal, and then even further to the states where it become disengaged from the realm of matter. As the Asiatic creations exist within the womb of incubation, the spirit-man is of the degree of elemental, mineral and vegetal souls. Once the infant emerges from the womb, its soul is then in the degree of animal souls until it further develops into the formal stages of maturity. Once it develops the preparedness and conscious desire to ascend to the levels of the holy soul and supraformal maturity, it then becomes a holy soul. Therefore, as long as spirit-man is in its embryotic state, it is plant with the potential of becoming an animal. However, once the embryo emerges, it is animal with the potential of becoming Man. When it reaches the limit of supraformal maturity, it is man with the potential of becoming an angel. These are not physical stages of development, but progressive phases of consciousness development. Once the infant emerges from it motherly host, it becomes an active soul in the degree of the animal (consciousness) souls until the time of its formal maturation. Then the individual becomes a human animal with the potential of becoming a soul active being. In this degree of development, Man becomes a soul entity that perceives the plane of manifestation through the faculties of greater reflection and deliberation while operating with finer insight faculties. The Asiatic creation maintains this level of being until it further develops itself in the aspects of supraformal maturation where it strengthens its intrinsic spiritual connectedness to others and higher planes of reality. At this level, the Asiatic creation is either a soul active being with the active potential of an angelic or the opposite, depending upon his/her spiritual orientation (ascending or descending). The Asiatic with the potential of the angelic is restored if he/she travels the pathway of the Real (al-Haqq) and the path of Ones of Allah (tawhid), if his/her spiritual intellect is perfected through the use of active knowledge, and if his/her subtle intellect is purified through disengagement from the bodies of illusion, then he/she becomes an ascending angelic of Allah, the single brotherhood of Aught. However, if he/she travels astray from the even road and travels the pathway of misguidance and the ignorant, he/she will become one of the five adversaries of ascension and agents of destruction: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon and Beast. However, the evolution from origin to return involves the Mercy of Allah and His conveying every-thing to its perfection and final goal, and his moving all things to their ultimate destination- making the low reach the high, giving to every matter the form befitting it, and inducing each to become the most excellent of what can be conceived for it. This is the utmost goal of the divine essence of spirit-man as Allah is the Author of All. The Holy Quran (Surah 10:4) – “To HIm will be your return – of all of you. The promise of Allah is true and sure. It is He who beginneth the process of creation, and repeated it, that he may reward with Justice those who believe and work righteousness…” The Holy Quran (Surah 42:15) – “…Allah is our Lord and your Lord: for us (is the responsibility for)our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (Our) final goal.” The final goal is the furthest purpose of the formulating of the Cosmos, the moving of the heavens, the setting in motion of the galaxies and universes: the stars, the orbs , and all of the other transformations; the sending of the Angels and the prophets and messengers from the galactic universe and subtle heavens with books, revelations and guidance. The entire purpose of for the Universe and the universes within the Universe and Spiritual Hierarchies and their inhabitants, is to return to its origin and the unified frequency of its creator: Allah. Therefore, evil and disharmony will disappear from, and it too will return to that from which it began. Hence, the last will become joined with the first, and the farthest end of all cycles must, by design, return to its origin as well. In this, the symbol of the serpent swallowing its tail reveals its true meaning to the intellect of Man. Wisdom will be completed and creation perfected as described in the first chapter of the Moorish Holy Koran. This is the greatest goal and the most magnificent wisdom of the ancients of ancients. Moorish Holy Koran (Chapter 1) – “A multitude of lessons man must learn upon the plane of soul; and here he tarries many ages until his lessons are all learned. Upon the boundary of the plane of soul, the ether began to vibrate slower still and then the essences took on a final garb; the perfumes and the odors and the true sensations and the all of love were clothed in flesh; and man was clothed in flesh. Perfected man must pass through all the ways of life, and so a carnal nature was full manifest, a nature that sprang forth from fleshly things. Without a foe a soldier never knows his strength, and thought must be developed by the exercise of strength. And so this carnal nature soon became a foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of Allah made manifest. Let every living thing stand still and hear! Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights, just to gratify his lower self. But man will regain his lost estate, his heritage; but he must do it in a conflict that cannot be told in words. Yea, he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide, and they will lead to victory. Man will be fully saved, redeemed, perfected by the things he suffers on the plane of flesh, and on the plane of soul. When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then have served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more.” The Asiatic creations, by spiritual design, have an unsurpassed and unprecedented blueprint for perfection regarding his/her true essence and reality and that conjunction with the principalities of Allah, the adjacency with the Author of All, and the ultimate of true reality, the disengagement from the material and illusory world. With the other bodies that he uses to be within the physical realms of time and space, he utilizes, like plants, the nourishment for growth; like animals, he utilizes the vital breath, volitional movement and sense perception and in his human stated he utilizes science and knowledge to specify his/her greatness in the plane called Assiah: the plane of manifest. However, after Man has obtained knowledge of the sciences, he must ultimately turn his attention his attention toward that which prevents him/her from the higher stations of being. On the path of existence, Man learns that his/her conscious self must turn to the greatest of all sciences which is designed to allow man achieve perfection in the potencies of higher essence. Man must focus on the Real (al-Haqq), the trun substance of his essence. This science is the knowledge of Allah, His attributes (99 + 1 cosmic functions), His angels, His records of knowledge and tablets of destiny. This knowledge purifies the soul for completion which releases if from the constraints of possibility and enters it into the realms of impossibility, according the mundane concepts of the plane of manifest. The soul, in the upward ascension in its return, is submerged into the ocean of sovereignty and freed from the domination of the cycles of the physical heavens. The souls seeking perfection are required to reflect upon the finer aspects of life by utilizing the illuminating exercises of unveiling and intuition (al-kashf wa al-dhawq) to reach the greatest goal of perfecting its soul self within the embodiment of its spirit self while abstracting its self from bodily matter, the fetters of the fleshly garment. The Moorish Holy Koran (Chapter 1) – “Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. When man has conquered every foe upon the plane of soul the seed will have full opened out, will have unfolded in the Holy Breath. The garb of soul will then have served its purpose well, and man will need it never more, and it will pass and be no more and man will then attain unto the blessedness of perfectness and be at one with Allah.” It remains a mystic teaching in the esoteric meanings of Moorish Science, that the purpose for the soul’s descension from the realms greater than nasuwt (the realm of the human beings) to the gross vibrational planes of the lower frequency worlds was for the soul to become perfected by the divine sciences and knowledge of Allah, for it requires these sciences to complete its journey and experiences for reunion phase of being. The soul was destined to experience long toil with great effort while urging the body and its faculties to cooperate with the divine plan for ascension. However, since the body requires the basic needs for animal survival, it is necessary that the sensations and objects of the illusory world be limited, tamed an acquired in moderation; otherwise, the soul will be lead onto the path of extremes: deficiency and excess; which would in turn strengthen the soul’s bond the material world while destroying its intent and focus toward perfection and return. Therefore, the divine principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice is required directly and indirectly, because preoccupation with internal and external senses and stimuli, desire and anger, will hinder the soul’s ability to adhere to the “will” that leads the soul back to its source and origin. Once the soul learns the difficult lesson (s) of how to disengage its self from the body and realm of illusion, the truest realities are then fully inscribed within which severs the soul’s bond to the lower world of nasuwt which allows the soul to ascend from nasuwt and to the higher stations of malakuwt (the realm of the angelic hosts). There the soul will attain its reward as it then prepares for its next phase of the journey of “origin and return.” (To purchase the books, click the cover or go to moorsgate/online-store/.) -Zothyrius Ali El Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science Highly Recommended: The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt: Sacred Science and the Mystery of Consciousness 7 03 2011 How ancient Egyptians understood quantum theory: • Investigates the history of how modern religion and the Age of Science were inspired by the sacred science of the ancients • Examines how quantum theory explains that the cosmos arises from consciousness • Reveals the unanimity between Schwaller de Lubicz’s “sacred science” and the science of a cosmos governed by quantum mechanics Since the dawn of the Age of Science humankind has been engaged in a methodical quest to understand the cosmos. With the development of quantum mechanics, the notion that everything is solid matter is being replaced with the idea that information or “thought” may be the true source of physical reality. Such scientific inquiry has led to a growing interest in the brain’s unique and mysterious ability to create perception, possibly through quantum interactions. Consciousness is now being considered as much a fundamental part of reality as the three dimensions we are so familiar with. Although this direction in scientific thought is seen as a new approach, the secret wisdom of the ancients presented just such a view thousands of years ago. Building on René A. Schwaller de Lubicz’s systematic study of Luxor’s Temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu during the 1940s and ’50s, Edward Malkowski shows that the ancient Egyptians’ worldview was not based on superstition or the invention of myth but was the result of direct observation using critical faculties attuned to the quantum manifestation of the universe. This understanding of reality as a product of human consciousness provided the inspiration for the sacred science of the ancients–precisely the philosophy modern science is embracing today. In the philosophical tradition of Schwaller de Lubicz, The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt investigates the technical and religious legacy of ancient Egypt to reveal its congruence with today’s “New Science.” Support moorsgate by purchasing this book. This item can be found in the online store of this site. Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science Recommended: Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More 6 03 2011 He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave. His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct – a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out ‘planetoid’) – which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons. He describes what he calls the ‘Moon Matrix’, a fake reality broadcast from the Moon which is decoded by the human body/mind in much the same way as portrayed in the Matrix movie trilogy. The Moon Matrix has ‘hacked’ into the human ‘body-computer’ system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7. We live in extraordinary times. On one side we are seeing the imposition of a global Orwellian State of total surveillance and control by those who serve the Moon Matrix, and on the other a fantastic energetic transformation is taking place – what David calls the ‘Truth Vibrations’, a phenomenon he first predicted in 1990 and used as the title of his first book after his ‘eyes opened’. The Truth Vibrations are awakening vast numbers of people to remember who they really are – infinite, eternal Consciousness. Humanity is at a fork in the road and it is time to make a choice. Are we going to awaken to our true genius and potential as Infinite Consciousness? Or are we going to remain entrapped in body/mind and the manufactured illusions of the Moon Matrix? One choice will give us freedom and potential on a scale we could not have thought possible, while the other will condemn us and our children to a global fascist/communist dictatorship on a scale that would make George Orwell wince. You cannot read Human Race Get Off Your Knees and be the same person you were when you picked it up. It is life-changing, reality-changing and its information, if acted upon, will set us free. We are infinite consciousness using a brain and a body as tools to live in this holographic universe. We are confined to the world of three dimensions and the “laws” of physics, which are “laws” only because we’ve been conditioned to accept them as such. In the real world, the paradise which is our birthright, life is a “dream.” Since the “dream” world and the “waking” world are two sides of the same coin, humans have been tricked into thinking one is real and the other is fantasy. In fact they both are fantasy. Covering both spirituality and Law, this book covers many areas of interest. Writings ways that discuss ways of getting out of our enslavement, I recommend the introductory book “Freedom” by Veronica Chapman and Marc Stevens’ “Adventures in Legal Land”. More advanced is Menard’s wonderful “With Lawful Excuse” available as an ebook from the WorldFreemanSociety; however, a free look (on youtube) at Menard’s “Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception” is another reference that correspond to Icke’s writings in this book. Other recommends, the “Prequel” and ”Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception,” also available from WorldFreemanSociety, providing the basics for coming to grips with “With Lawful Excuse”. Some of these books refer to English or Canadian law, but all countries in the common wealth along with those that have British law as their legal foundation (e.g. the United States of America). Icke’s book, “Human Race Get Off Your Knees” provides insight, from Icke’s perspective, about how the inhabitants of Earth are enslaved, manipulated and breeded for control. Support moorsgate by purchasing this book. This item can be found in the online store on this site. Comments : Comments Off Categories : Book Reviews, Politics, Spiritual Science The Zothyrian Concept of Moorish Science: A Perspective of the Ancient Science of Self Mastery 26 01 2011 The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. “But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of Allah.” (MHK: Chapter 1) Moorish Science, the Ancient Moorish spiritual system of Mystic Islam, teaches the esoteric mysteries of the Unity of the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, Allah. The “Vision of the Heart” (ru’yat al-qalb) is designed to bring man back into his divine inheritance which is the “Oneness of Allah” (101 Key #4). The Moorish Scientist, through higher thought reflection, knows that from Allah proceeded the Allahuma (Elohim, Universal Principalities) (101 Key #97), and all the worlds of the microcosmic and macrocosmic Universe(s). Allah manifested all forms of reality and principalities within those realities; however, Allah remains single and alone, the Unity behind the illusion of multiplicity. Moorish Scientists know there is only one Supreme Being, Allah, and that the Allahuma are expressions of that One Supreme Being. Moors strive to unify as one harmonic with the divine principalities, the Allahuma (Elohim), by developing within the psyche, the various attributes and divine qualities that symbolize and harmonize with the 99 + 1 cosmic functions of Allah that exist within Man. As Moorish Scientists, we know that the Supreme Being, Allah, is an ancient and mystic formula/harmonic that is linked to all spiritual systems of the ancient world. Allah established all creation with the divine principles of Islam (Maat): Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Through the mystical practice of Islam and the demonstration of right action, the pure seeker and practitioner of Moorish Science develops the power to determine the quality of life which is led and experienced as an Asiatic Adept. The goal and aim of each Moor is to encourage mastery over their lower self by learning to function in the upper realms of the higher self: the plane of thought that is Self Disclosed by Allah (101 Key #70). Moorish Scientists further understand that if Islam is not exercised by the Inner Man, then Man will not be in harmony with the universal laws (will) of Allah (101 Key #73); which otherwise breeds Hatred, Slander, Lewdness, Murder, Theft and everything that harms. As a Moorish Scientist, it is taught and understood that the body may deteriorate as it is subject to change, but the Spirit Self is immutable and ever existent as “time never was when man was not (MHK Chapter 1).” The following are degrees of learning that Moorish Scientists encounter and experience for the opportunity to see beyond the veil: 1) the teaching of the science of Ahadiyya ( The indivisible Unity of Allah), 2) the adept choosing to follow the path of Allah Consciousness by practicing Taklif (the obligation to choose service and demonstrate the universal laws (will) of Allah), 3) the training of character through the art of divine self governance called Mahw, 4) the alignment of the Merciful Breath called al-nafas al-rahmani and 5) practicing the disciplines of Ma’ rifat (gnosis), which include the following components: the Study of the Lataif (subtle worlds within wombman/man), the study of the union of Allah (fina fi al-Haqq), functioning in harmony with the universal laws called haqq al-yaqin, and the acts of retreat and remembering the cosmic functions through Dhikr and Khawla. Moorish Scientists understand that Allah (Eloah, Elah, Eli, El Elyuwn, Neter Neteru, YHWH) provided the “Primordial Science” (101 Key #18) through the spiritual teachings that were written in the ancient and/or divinely structured texts (Moorish Holy Koran, Holy Quran of Mecca, Bhagavad-Gita, The Torah, The true and ancient scriptures of the Helios Biblio-Text {Holy Bible}, the Ginza Rba and the Pert Em Heru) that were implanted in the four corners of Assiah (plane of Manifestation) to ensure that Ahl al-haqq (the followers of the real) might study the wisdom teaching of Islam [the spiritual system of harmonizing the higher vibrating consciousness with Allahs will, leading Man toward the Final Goal: Allah]. By the practice and exercise of the disciplines of Moorish Science, the adept will discover the Mysteries of Al-Haqq (the truth) (101 Keys #47-48) through mahq al-mahq (obliteration of obliteration) to reach the most divine and ultimate goal of an ever-evolving initiate: Ana Al-Haqq, I Am Truth for “Truth is Aught and Aught is Allah.” The end result for all Moorish Scientists is to become one with Allah (Ahadiyya) and experience the Self Disclosure of Allah prior to death; to discover supreme harmony through the realization of Islam; to abide in fulfillment of one’s life purpose which is to return by which he came (hafira), and demonstrate peace and harmony in the world by uplifting fallen humanity. This is the Zothyrian Concept of Moorish Science, the science of the obliteration of the lower self. Zothyrius Ali El, MBA/GM Comments : Comments Off Categories : Spiritual Science Reccommended: Al-Kimia: The Mystical Islamic Essence of the Sacred Art of Alchemy (Hardcover) 15 07 2009 Al-Kimia-The Mystical Islamic Essence of the Sacred Art Of Alchemy by John Eberly presents a condensed history of Alchemy told through concise biographies of early Sufi Masters. Chapters examine occult areas of alchemical and spiritual interest such as Jafr, an exegetical Qur’anic science akin to Hebrew Qabala; the Qiyamat or ‘Great Resurrection’, of the heretical Ismaili sect; the contrary path of the saintly Malamatiyya or ‘Blameworthy Ones’; Hermetic Color Theory, and ‘Hidden’ art history. A glossary of transliterated terms is appended that will greatly help the beginner as well as the advanced student of these subjects. ( Support moorsgate by purchasing this book. Clicking the Cover will navigate you to this book. Thanks for visiting moorsgate. New content is on its way! ) Comments : Comments Off Categories : Degrees: Master, Spiritual Science Recommended: The Resonance of Allah: Resplendent Explanations Arising from the Nur, Allah’s Wisdom of Grace 11 02 2009 As taken from the Preface: Only God will know the glory of God. Only God will know His power and His creation. Amin. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. The secrets of every one of God’s creations and the explanations about them, the explanations regarding His prophets, the explanations regarding gnanam, ‘ilm, and wisdom, and the explanations about the lives—explanations of various things regarding His creations that were resonated by the Power that is God to His prophets and His saints—are being revealed in this book. In these pages Allah explains that there are two parts within man—the inner and the outer, the inner prayer and the outer prayer. One is heaven, the other is hell; one is true, the other is false. Many such meanings are explained by God in this book—the reality of: that which is God, that which is mankind, and that which is Truth. God provides these explanations through two lights of wisdom—the wisdom that is the Nur, and the wisdom that is the Qutb, both of which are the completeness. For my brothers and sisters—those who trust in God, those who have faith in God, and those who are human beings. This book serves to dispel their doubts, and fill them with wisdom and firm faith in God. My brothers and sisters, please take this book, lay open your hearts (the land to God) to God, and then read it. Then the connection between God and us will be understood. You should not think that just by reading this book once, you will have understood all the meanings contained in it. As you read it over and over again, more and more explanations will be forthcoming. As your wisdom unfolds, deeper and deeper meanings will be revealed. The more you read this book, the more meanings will be revealed. May God help you. Amin. “M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen- a Sufi mystic, can best be remembered for his efforts to bring unity through understanding to the faithful of all religions.” Little is known of his early personal history. Records of his life began in the early 1900′s when religious pilgrims traveling through the jungles of Sri Lanka first caught glimpse of a holy man. They were overwhelmed by the depth of divine knowledge that he imparted. Sometime later a pilgrim invited him to a nearby village, and with that began his public life as a teacher of wisdom. Throughout Sri Lanka, people from all religious and ethnic traditions would listen to his public discourses. Many consulted him on how to conduct life’s affairs, including public figures, politicians, the poor, and the learned. In 1971 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen accepted an invitation to visit the United States. Here, once again, people from all religious, social and ethnic backgrounds would join to hear him speak. Across the United States, Canada and England, he won recognition from religious scholars, journalists, educators and world leaders. The United Nation’s Assistant Secretary General, Robert Muller, asked for Bawa Muhaiyaddeen’s guidance on behalf of all mankind. Time Magazine turned to him for clarification during the hostage crisis in 1980. Thousands more were touched by his wise words when interviewed in Psychology Today, the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Pittsburgh Press. (Support moorsgate by purchasing this book. Click the cover) Comments : Comments Off Categories : Book Reviews, Degrees: Master, Spiritual Science You Are Job (The Job Mysteries): Using the Principle of Polarity for Self Mastery 30 05 2008 “The Lord giveth and Lord taketh away.” Job 1:21 “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” Job 2:10 The Job mysteries encourage the initiate to master “Self,” pierce through the veil of illusion and gain active use of the seven divine cosmic principles. Within the scope of the physical components of the earthly experience, the life process as a system of initiation, urges the adept to first learn two universal principles that begins the chrysalis process of higher self fulfillment. These two principles are as follows: 1) the principle of rhythm and 2) the principle of polarity. The mastery of these two universal and cosmic principles increases the growth potential of the initiate that undergoes the journey of the Job mysteries. Once completely understood, life as an initiation process begins to make more sense and the initiate then begins to seek greater challenges for greater enlightenment and psycho-spiritual mastery. The life process can be symbolically observed from the standpoint of a swinging pendulum. If life were to be dissected and manipulated with the understanding that chaos has an origin of order, the initiate could then learn to utilize the seven universal and cosmic principles against one another to produce more definite outcomes in the chaotic expression termed life. As stated earlier, the life process if viewed as a pendulum swinging in equal measurements to the left and then to the right, one could then grasp the sequences of human existence. This represents the principle of rhythm. This principle states that if the pendulum swings to the left, then it ultimately has to come back to the right in equal distance and in equal time. The next principle to be mastered is the principle of polarity. This principle teaches that if there is a positive, then there has to be a polar opposite: the negative. Combined, these principles (polarity and rhythm) teach that both good (positive) and evil exist and “will” be experienced in the Rhythms of Time. This principle dictates that the pendulum that swings to the left of negativity has to eventually swing to the right of positivity with equal distance, equal momentum and in equal time. With this understanding of the universal and cosmic principles, the initiate quickly learns that God (Allah) is not the blame for destruction, calamity, the fall of nations, economic hardship and health deficiencies. It is not God, but the universal order of physical existence that has to obey the cosmic and universal principles that govern man and other creations on the Plane of Assiah (plane of manifestation). Once the adept begins to process these principles and make them a part of their intricate being, thus the mastery of polarity and rhythm, the initiate then moves toward the understanding of the principle cause and effect and subsequently the other four principles that government existence on the Plane of Assiah. Combine these three principles and the concept of Karma begins to take shape. The ills of life are not personal as man is not singled out by God (Allah). Man in his state of natural growth, must learn to utilize the universal principles for his/her benefit as he/she learns to master self, his/her environment, his/her mind, his/her emotions and his /her vibrational self. Then M.A.N. will learn to be a governor instead of the one being governed. (Support moorsgate by purchasing these books. Click the cover) -Zothyrius Ali El Comments : Comments Off Categories : Degrees: I, Spiritual Science « Previous Entries YOUR ACCOUNT Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org CATEGORIES Book Reviews (10) Degrees: AM (24) Degrees: I (49) Degrees: LAW (26) Degrees: Master (24) Degrees: SELF (30) History (24) News (13) Politics (14) Spiritual Science (43) Uncategorized (40) RECENT COMMENTS sovereignty on A Definition of Moorish Science kamauatu on A Definition of Moorish Science REFERENCE MATERIALS A Historical Look At Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali (Noble Drew Ali) 1886-1929 A Brief Introduction to The 7 Articles (Principles) of the Divine Constitution (The Seven Thothian/Hermetic Principles) A Definition of Moorish Science Moorish Holy Koran (coming soon) The Zothyrian Concept of Moorish Science ARCHIVES July 2013 (1) May 2013 (1) March 2013 (1) January 2012 (1) October 2011 (1) March 2011 (5) February 2011 (3) January 2011 (2) July 2009 (2) February 2009 (1) October 2008 (1) July 2008 (1) June 2008 (1) May 2008 (5) April 2008 (4) March 2008 (1) February 2008 (2) January 2008 (1) November 2007 (1) September 2007 (1) August 2007 (3) July 2007 (1) June 2007 (1) May 2007 (2) April 2007 (2) March 2007 (4) February 2007 (6) January 2007 (8) December 2006 (11) November 2006 (7) October 2006 (129) September 2006 (4) July 2006 (1) June 2006 (1) Copyright 2006, Zothyrius Ali El. 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Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:50:19 +0000

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