The title of my page is a play on the 1982 movie An Officer and A - TopicsExpress


The title of my page is a play on the 1982 movie An Officer and A Gentleman! However, it will depict the authors adventure travels, past and present. Travel is in my blood. Born of Italian and Swiss-Brazilian World-War 2 era immigrants to the USA, I have inherited a global perspective. They told many stories of travel via ocean liner and DC-3 aircraft. Based on names, a relative on my mothers side died during the Titanic tragedy. In my thirties, I determined I wanted to travel an unbroken path around the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, using surface modes of transport only. Already having driven across the United States, from Manhattan, New York, to Anchorage, Alaska, I added the Trans-Mongolian rail journey from Helsinki, Finland, to Beijing, China in 2007. In 2008, I rode the rails and ferried from Helsinki, Finland, to Southampton, UK. I crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Queen Mary 2, from Southampton to Manhattan, mirroring travels my father and mother took via ocean liners, after World War 2. In 2012, I completed the quest by crossing the Pacific Ocean on the Diamond Princess. First, from Anchorage, Alaska to Whittier, Alaska by bus, and from Whittier to a port city near Beijing on the Diamond Princess. Finally, by bus to Beijing International Airport! I had flown out of Beijing International at the completion of my Trans-Mongolian rail journey, therefore, I have completed an unbroken overland circumnavigation of the planet! Other significant travels span every continent except Antarctica, both the Dempster and Dalton highways in the far northwest of the North American continent, a road trip in Iceland, a road trip through four countries in Southern Africa, and many places in between, from Angola to Ascension Island, from Johnston Island to Jordan. From -1,400 feet at the Dead Sea, Jordan (the closest point to the center of the earth), to -165 feet underwater on the San Francisco Maru wreck at Truk (Chuuk) Lagoon, to +20,600 feet at the Whymper summit of Mt Chimborazo (the farthest point from the center of the earth). Many adventure trips include hiking rim to rim to rim at the Grand Canyon, solo paddling from Peleliu to Babeldob in the Palauan Archipelago, and 45 of Colorados 54 14K foot peaks. In Fall, 2015, I plan to test my long-range hiking abilities by walking from the Korean DMZ to the southern tip of Korea, along the Baekdu Daegan trail. In Fall, 2016, following Burning Man, I plan to depart around-the-world, by expedition vehicle. Stay tuned for more!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 08:31:56 +0000

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