The top seven #GMO crops you should avoid like the #plague - TopicsExpress


The top seven #GMO crops you should avoid like the #plague #CancerTruth (NaturalNews) #GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms (GMOs) are plant and meat products that have had their #DNA altered and possibly mutated in some laboratory, and its all coined as the evolution of science and biotechnology for agriculture in order to fool the masses into believing that its for our own good. They (biotech giants) even teach it in schools and at Disney World now, and they say it all without ever telling anyone what theyre REALLY doing, and that is inserting the genes from other plants, animals, viruses and bacteria into food -- often in the form of pesticides that cant be washed off. For any scientist to say that a human can consume pesticide and insecticide safely at any amounts is absurd, but modern science and Western Medicine are doing just that, and theyre trying to brainwash our children when no one wiser is around to defend them. Genetically mutated food is everywhere now, in every popular restaurant you can name and in every grocery store youve visited in the last 15 years, even Whole Foods. Ever heard of the canola oil prepared-food bar? Ninety percent of corn, soy, canola and cottonseed is GMO -- the 11th plague, cancer food, has fallen upon mankind. Read More Here: naturalnews/045477_GMO_crops_plague_biotech_industry.html?utm_content=buffer849bb&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:42:25 +0000

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