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The MyHistoryNonInventedOrCreatedAboutSomeReallySeriousProblemFollowedBySomeAsterisks*{1st} _____________//_________//____________ Weirdly im still alive... after i took like 30 pills (if not 30 it were way more than 20).... those pills are for focus and concentrating in what im thinking... so... if i feel happy or good, i will feel really happier and great.... but... as now im feeling... if i feel bad (in this case wish to suicide) i will feel really really worse maybe one of the worst feel i would experience.... That happens with only one pill... now imagine like 10 or 12 pills (what i took to kill myself of... idk... maybe overdose...) then like 1h30mins later i was starting to feel really anxious and saying goodbye to everyone... ******** _______________//____________________________________ Then i started to feel really really bad... worst feeling i had ever experience until i decided that (due to how worse i was feeling) i wanted to end my life really really really... but WAYYY really FASTER THAN I WANTED TO WHEN I TRIED TO KILLmyself in the last time ***********. Then, with all that crazyness in my head I took the rest of the pills that left... Just try to imagine the pain that I WAS HAVING.... SUCH A FREAKING NON-FEELINGS************{ _________//______//______//__________________________ 1th>> *(This little piece of (Shiterisk)**{2th}) _____________________________________ 2th>> **(Shit (uncensored)***{3th} + Asterisk*{1th}) _____________________________________________________ 3th>> ***(Oh im so sorry... ₩here απε my maners? U know what?! Faq****{4th} the maners) _____________________________________________________ 4th>> ****(Faq:(_-+×÷)*****{5th}=Mostly known as FAQ; Even Mostly known as F.A.Q.; EVEN MOSTLY KNOW AS: ******{6th}) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5th>> *****(Just some RANDOM thing... oh god***********{11th}... again?? Probably u must be bored... but if u know what I was saying I guess that you do not need to read this ßhïþ αηιΜΦπΕ*******{7th}) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6th>> ******[(*******{7th}] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7th>> ******* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8th>> ********(This one it is in Portuguese...) ___________________//________________________________ 9th>> *********(like i did on the last post i wrote before this one... no ... actually that post was some hours before... idk... my brain is a mess now... cant remember almost nothing instead i remember really bad things... im getting away from what i wanted to say(i didnt wrote this piece of §hıţ well becuz now my correction brains zone is focused in what im talking about... and getting away again from the point...)) ________________//___________________________________ 10th>> **********(i think that the last time that I tried to eliminate myself from this realm full of shiny snow-white lightning darkness inverted twice (here we go again... why am i not dead yet? I know! I mean... i think that i guess that i know... It is BECAUZE I MIGHT BE HERE FOR SOME REASON!!! MAYBE GOD SENT ME HERE TO JUDGE EVERYONE **********{10th}) _____________________________________________________ 11th>>***********(oh... you know what? I dont believe in god... i dont believe since the first time i had ever experienced unfair the real psicological pain followed by an unfair physical pain from my parents (mostly my dad...)) _____________________________________________________
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:36:54 +0000

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