The truth of the matter is; (this is concerning the problem in - TopicsExpress


The truth of the matter is; (this is concerning the problem in Ferguson, MO and our nation); I grew up in Dunbar, WV in the 50s & 60s. I understand and grew up around prejudice. The Lord began showing me the sin of predudice in high school during my track career. Yet I struggled with it off and on for years, and then my God delivered me of it in 1979 under my pastor at that time. Those spirits came out by the power of the Living God with others that hindered me. Prejudice is a demonic spirit at work within you whoever you are if you are a racist . You need to get delivered from those demon spirits within your soulish realm (mind, will, and emotions). Yet this is not a racial problem, it is a sin problem, a demon problem. I do not see color and havent since that time, I see Jesus or I dont see Jesus in folks. When will we get a grip on this, when will we wake up to the truth!!! Many folk say they love Jesus and act like heathen, where is God in that. We all have made mistakes in life and hopefully have repented trying to learn from them. When as a nation are we going to learn from our past mistakes. It is not a RACE problem, it is a SIN problem as many are yeilding to demons leading them to destruction. Here is another thing some of my friends say they are Afro-American. Whats up with that??? I lived in South Africa for 9 months, and black folk here dont look, act, or do much anything the same as they do there. Am I an Euro-American because my lineage is from Europe, no I am a American and bleed Red, White, and Blue!!! If you cant identify with America then just identify with Jesus, believers should be doing that anyway!!! I love you all no matter what you look like or where your from!!! Do I love sin, no, stupidity no, demonic bondage no!!! Please lets wake up to the truth of Gods Word, His Word only is Truth!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:15:47 +0000

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